Chapter 6 ~ Taken

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Suddenly, Trevor was ripped off of me. I opened my eyes to see a strong tall man holding him. I jumped for Trevor but then I was grabbed. Who were these guys? I could almost see Trevor's blood boil the second the guy touched me. He struggled wildly to free himself from the man's grip, but failed. I too was struggling to get free & they didn't like that. I was kicking, screaming, jumping and basically throwing a tantrum.

"Shut up you freak!" The man yelled at me.

"Hey, put something on this girl's mouth! She's giving me a headache!" Another man walked over and tied a cloth over my mouth. It smelt and tasted funny. Trevor watched as I went weak from the drugged cloth. Just as the lights were about to go out for me, another guy put a cloth on Trevor as well.

When I woke up, I wasn't in the cave anymore. I was in a jail cell, on the gross old cot. I was still drowsy, but I had to find Trevor and get out of here! I rolled over and landed on the floor. I sat up, taking in my surroundings then realized how badly my arm hurt. I looked down to see a bloody bite mark. It didn't look very fresh. Maybe from when I was unconscious at the beach. However, this wasn't a bug or fish bite, this was a dog bite. It had to be a pretty big dog to make that big of a mark. I stood and walked to the metal bars that were supposed to be a cell door. I gripped them and pulled them in opposite directions. They spread apart with ease. I slid myself through the bars then turned and moved the bars back into place, but left a small claw mark so I'd know that that cell was mine. I turned and looked through all the cells but, Trevor wasn't in any of them. Where was he?? What's going on? Why am I even here? I felt panic rise in my body. Then I heard the buzz of the door opening. I looked over to see Trevor, unharmed. Without thinking, I ran to him and wrapped my arms around his neck. He put his arms around me then let go, spun around and knocked out the guard behind him. Even after the guy was out cold, he threw a few more punches just to be safe.


Hate me yet? Haha I hope not! I'll try to update daily!! Thanks for all the support guys!!


<3 Tavee

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