Part 3 (Noelles Perspective)

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Noelle was having a really hard time. There is a group of girls in school that keep putting her under peer Pressure. Noelle has even started smoking because of these girls. If she says no to something they mock her until she can't handle it, so Noelle gave up and let them girls take over her life.

   -At Noelle's Dads-
Noelle went to her dads to talk with him about everything. Noelle always relied on her dad even though he wasn't there for her as a child but now he's trying to make an effort! "Hey dad..." said Noelle "Hello sweetie, how are you?" Asked Jaime (her dad) "No not at all!" Replied Noelle. Noelle explained everything to Jaime but Jaime couldn't help. Noelle went out to the pub to get drunk with her dad to get her mind off things. Jaime was the kind of dad that didn't really care what there child did and doesn't care if his child drinks because he drinks himself. Jaime took Noelle to a karaoke bar to do a bit of karaoke with her. After a song Noelle saw her cousin Lilith so she went over and had a little catch up with her. Noelle has always looked up to Lilith because Noelle thinks Lilith is really cool and she wants to be just like her. "So Noelle what's brings you here?" Asked Lilith "Well I have some drama with my friends going on, so my dad took me for a drink to clear my mind." Replied Noelle "Aww Jaime is so nice ain't her. He's so handsome as well, his big green eyes are just perfect. He's very bad boy looking as well. Ahh just imagine it!!!" Started Lilith "Emm....Lilith are you ok? Asked Noelle. "Sorry I got carried away, too much wine!" Said Lilith "Yup," Said Noelle. After Lilith and Noelle said there goodbyes Jaime took Noelle back to his house.
"You can crash here if you would like," Said Jaime "Thanks dad, but where will I sleep? Asked Noelle "You can sleep in my bed, I'll crash on the couch tonight," Said Jaime.
Jaime gave Charlie a text and let her know Noelles at his.

-The Next Day At School-
Noelle looked around for Carrie in the school halls but there was no sign of her, that's the whole week she's not been here. Noelle was worried. Deep down Noelle still loved Carrie and deep down Noelle knew Carrie would always be her best friend but with the other girls Noelle couldn't be friends with her. "Hey girlfriend, what's up?" Asked a girl from the popular group "Hey, nothing what's up with you?" Said Noelle. They took Noelle in the bathroom. "So guys there is going to be this massive party at my house this Saturday and I expect all of you to come!" Said the leader of the group while she stared at Noelle. All the girls were very excited except from Noelle who stayed quite... "Noelle, your coming to right?" Said the leader "Em...well, I said to my mum I would go shopping with her...." Said Noelle while shaking, all the girls laughed at her and pointed "Aww little baby Noelle!" Said a girl "Noelle is such a baby she has to get her mummy to take her shopping!" Said another girl "Listen Noelle!! Your coming to my party or else you will suffer the pain from us until u graduate, do I make myself clear!!" Shouted the leader! "Y....y....yes...." mumbled Noelle! All the girls walked out of the bathroom, one of them actually pushed Noelle into the sink.
After they all left Noelle fell to the ground and burst out in tears. Carrie walked into the bathroom while Noelle was on the floor crying. "Hey Noelle..." she said. Noelle wiped her face and said "What do you want!" Carrie sat down next to her and said "I heard what them girls said, I heard everything," "So now u know, what do u want from me!" Noelle said in a sad voice. "Noelle, you shouldn't let them girls treat you like that it's unfair." Stated Carrie. Carrie wrapped her arms around Noelle and cuddled her tight while Noelle started crying again.
Little did they know one of the girls from the popular group was recording them the whole time. The girl thought in her mind that Noelles life was over....!

Peer Pressure! 'The Story Of Carrie and Noelle' حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن