"Julian? Promise me... that you... that you won't see this... this girl again..."

I looked at her for a moment before I nodded hesitantly. "I promise," I said softly, knowing at that moment that I lied to my mom for the first time in my life.

Brooke's POV

I was sitting on the bed in my room at home, holding my phone in my hand and trying to conjure it to ring. It was only a few hours ago that I said goodbye to Julian, but I couldn't wait to make the next appointment with him. It wasn't because I was so keen on math, but rather because of the fact that I really enjoyed Julian's presence. He was able to explain well and had a calmness and patience, that even I understood everything. With his help, I would certainly pass the next math test. I was firmly convinced of that. I had been staring at my phone all the time that I flinched as the tune to 'Don't You' sounded. I had changed my ringtone after I got home and put it on Julian's profile. "Hey!"


"Um... yes?"

"About our next lesson... I thought we might meet tomorrow after school."

"Okay, and where? At mine or at your place?"

"In the cafeteria."

I nervously began to nibble on my lower lip. So my feeling didn't betray me. His mother didn't want me near her house again. "Okay," I said slowly, feverishly thinking what else to say so he wouldn't just end the conversation. "Thank you for tutoring me. You were a tremendous help." When he laughed, I felt a tingle in my stomach.

"Take care, Brooke. See you tomorrow."



I took a deep breath before telling him what had been in my mind all day. "What are you doing in your spare time?"

"What do you mean?"

"Do you have any hobbies?"

"Define hobbies?"

"What do you do when you come home from school, don't study or don't give any private lessons to various girls," I explained more precisely, waiting eagerly for his answer. For a moment there was only silence. But then I heard him clear his throat.

"Well, if I told you that you're the only and first girl I give private lessons to, would you believe me?"

Why did my stupid heart start beating so fast all of a sudden? The question was completely harmless, and yet I felt this tingling sensation all over my body. I covered the speaker with my hand. "The only and first girl," I whispered audibly only for me. "Yes," I breathed into the speaker. "I would believe you."

"Okay, then... see you tomorrow, Brooke!"

"Julian..." I started, but he had already hung up. I put my cell phone aside, dropped back and closed my eyes. And as I slowly drifted to sleep, the last thing I saw was his face before my mind's eye, dark brown eyes and a smile that could make you forget everything else around you.

Brooke's POV

Tree Hill High School

The next morning, while at school, I was completely lost in my thoughts, so that Haley, who was not only my friend but also my seat neighbor, had to bump me with her elbow so that I could follow our teacher's instructions. I was relieved when the school gong rang signaling that the lessons were over for today. I quickly stuffed my books into my school bag and was about to leave the classroom when Haley held me back.

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