💙Chapter TwentyEight💙

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Rose's Pov

Drake tried to come in the room plenty of times but I was to mad so he let me be for a while I know we have to talk about things but for now, I want to relax a bit.

I turn on the tv and turn on one of my favorite movies Divergent soon I start falling sleepy so I decide to take a nap.

One hour later.

I wake up and walk to drakes room." Hey can we talk"?

" Of course"

" I know you don't want the baby but i do I really do, what happened to me was horrible but it happened I can't change that"

" I know , I've been selfish I'm sorry let's keep the baby like you said we can raise it as our own" I smile and hug him tight.

" I made you these when you were asleep flower" he shows me a platter of chocolate chip cookies there my favorite.

" Thank you daddy" I start eating the cookies.

" Babe I'm sorry I've haven't bene my self"

" Flower it's ok I understand, this is hard for both of us especially for you" he hugs me tight I miss us being like this.

The Next morning...

I wake up and don't see drake I head downstairs and see Darcy." Morning rose I'm just making food , you hungry"?

" Very , where is drake"?

" He went with Zayn, Lucas, and Ryan to the baby store " I smile.

I'm happy today after he's back we are heading to the doctors for my appointment, I'm so hungry I eat all my food." Thank you Darcy"

" No problem Rosemary" I go to my room and pick out my outfit and wait for drake and the guys to come home.

I go in front of the mirror and start touching my belly I still  can't believe it, I then felt arms around me." Your beautiful flower"

" Thank you daddy" he kisses my lips softly then we head to the doctor's office.

Once we wait to be called on drake holds me close." Rosemary Gilbert" the doctor said drake took my hand and we went in.

" Hello I'm Dr. Greene, nice to meet you rose drake thought  you would like a family doctor"

" Nice to meet you too" I got on the table and she put gel on my belly and I relaxed while drake was holding my hand.

" That has to be wrong" she whispered I worry is something wrong with the baby.

" What is it"? Drake asked worried.

" Here on the screen , there are two babies baby A is Kaden's baby and baby B is drakes baby congratulations you too are having twins" that was surprising to me.

" I didn't even know that was even possible" I said.

" This hardly ever happens, but you two can find out the genders in twenty weeks congratulations again" she left to give us privacy.

" Daddy are you ok"?

" Yes flower can't believe we're having twins , it's just what  if Kaden's  baby hates me I don't want that ever"

" Daddy me and you are going to start a family together  that's all that matter and the kid will never hate you"

" Thank you flower"

" I think the best decision is that the twins could never know" I know it might seem selfish to keep that from them but it's for the best.

" I agree flower, there's something I want to give you close your eyes" I close my eyes, he knows he doesn't have to buy me gifts but he loves it.

" You can open them now" I open them I start to cry there he is kneeled down with a diamond ring in his hands.

My Little Flower 🌺Where stories live. Discover now