Chapter 2: You Promised.

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*10 Years Later*

                I wake up slowly seeing brightness through my eyelids. I open them and get blinded. The sun is shining into my room like a flashlight in my face. “Uh, well happy birthday to me” I get out of bed and keep my PJ’s on. They look fine, just pink and orange plaid pants with a pink tank top, and my hair is in a messy ponytail. Who cares what I look like? I step outside onto the porch and sit on the steps. I look around the street as people walk by. It’s too bad they don’t know they have the guy who has saved the universe multiple times, right in front of them.

        “Adalay!” I hear my mom inside rejoicing in the kitchen.  I duck behind the windows outside but it’s too late, my mom has already saw me. She opens the door smiling and laughing “Guess what today is?”

         I play along rolling my eyes. “What’s today mother?” I stood up off the steps and walk over to the door.

        She’s leaning on the doorframe, she grinning her blonde head off. “Your Birthday!!!” She smiled and hugged me “Happy Birthday baby” She held the door open for me to walk in.

         I walk in and look in the kitchen “Where’s dad?” I turned to look at her narrowing my eyebrows “He didn’t” I walked into the kitchen looking around “He took off again?! UGH! He promised me he would teach me how to fly the TARDIS!” I stormed out the kitchen and ran to my room. I had my hand on the door and I slammed it. “UGH!” I pounced on my bed and buried my face in a fluffy blue pillow.

        I heard my mom outside my door “May I come in?

        I choked out a “NO!” in between the crying fits. I felt salty tears run down my face.  “I want to be alone for the rest of the day.”

        And so I was left alone the rest of the day, on my 16th birthday. I watched the day go by, the sun going higher in the sky and then low again. I noticed the sky turn colors of blue, pink, purple, and orange. Then finally it was night. The moon was up and the sky was black.

    I layed in bed watching lights from cars outside my window go by. They formed patterns all over my walls and my ceiling. My eyelids slowly fluttered shut but, right before I closed my eyes,  I heard a loud bang come from outside and a slight 4 taps on my window.  I jerked up, opening my eyes and looked into the darkness of my room seeing nothing. I was raised that if there was something unusual, you went and found out what it was. Now most kids would start getting scared, but not me. I’m The Doctors daughter. Nothing scares me after the stories I have heard.  

        I swung my feet out from under the covers and hit the solid wood flooring. A jolt of cold went up my legs and through my veins. I walk over to my window, looking out; I don't see anything so I open it. Leaning out I see 4 pairs of bright red eyes.  The more I look at them, the closer and larger they get. I was about the call for The Doctor when everything went black.

                That's my last memory before waking up in this dark cold place. I'm strapped up to a chair that has many multicolored buttons on the bottom left corner. I struggled to remove my arms from these straps but every time I moved, it sent a spark of electricity through my arms. I cried out in pain. I had no clue where I was and what was happening. As for my legs, they two were strapped to the chair with some kind of unknown materiel.

 Suddenly I feel a sharp pain in my neck and my eyes roll into the back of my head. I hear slight chuckling and a language I don't recognize. Then all my senses black out as well.


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