Chapter One- Betrayal

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I finally did it. My first step into taking over the school. Taking Jimmy down a notch. Can't have him too well liked, can we? Ahah. Now, after Russel beat his head in, no one would suspect me. They'd all focus on the moron, leaving me to my plans. All except Petey.

We had to share a room, what else could I do? Just because Jimmy got his fancy one bed room while everyone else shares. I can't do much, since I've almost always got Pete on my back. Shouldn't have let him on Jimmy's side. No matter, Pete couldn't do anything. He's weak.

I had everything set up. Prefects never go in the dorm, for whatever reason. The teachers wouldn't care if I skipped a class or two. So I could just stay in the dorm. No questions. Then again, I have been hearing things being said. About me. Jimmy must be spreading rumours. Lucky for me, they'll all pay for it once I'm king

But, what will I do once I'm king? The plan was always to finally take over the whole town, but. Anyway, I'll figure out that stuff later. For now, I need to get rid of Pete.

While I Was Planning- A Gary Smith StoryWhere stories live. Discover now