ch | 8

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double update, so make sure to check chapter 7 if you haven't!

Chapter 8 | Help

Kali gulped in her position, ignoring the fact that Jace had just called her a friend, and that his twin sister was giving her disgusted looks. She pulled away from him immediately.

"This is Kali Alexander." Jace introduced.

Friends. That's it. Riley's eyes widened. For once, there's actually something to thank Jace for. Kali and I could get closer through friendship and I will get that necklace. Riley took a sip from his wine glass.

"Really." Florence said blankly.

"Hello." Toby flashed a smile at Kali, waving his butter knife in the air. Connor tilted his head at her direction before he finished his breakfast and left the room.

Riley clasps his hands together and leaned his chin on it. Because he was the only person who didn't give notice to Kali, everyone at the table turned to face him. They were waiting for him to acknowledge her presence.

"What?" Riley looked back at them. Toby sighed and shakes his head.

Prince Riley sneaked a glance at Lord Jace and Kali Alexander, eyeing them as he thinks of ways to lure her closer.

Breakfast ended fast. The dining hall was quiet like the dessert and was almost empty. Almost. While the others took their chance to leave, Riley stayed down on his seat and did nothing. To the two servants standing by the corner of the hall, they were quite lucky today. Riley didn't utter any commands, which also means there is no other work to be done. Maybe he didn't want to do his paperwork. Maybe that's the reason why he chose to stay longer here.

He abruptly stands up, making his chair make a sound. Kali and Madelaine turn in surprise at the sudden sound in the quiet dining hall. Before Riley stepped out of the room, he stopped in front of Kali.

"You. Come with me." He ordered.

"Why?" Kali asks in confusion.

Madelaine hardly nudges her on the waist, making her step away. Kali rubbed her side and sent a look at Madelaine.

Kali turned to the impatient-looking prince that was tapping his foot rapidly on the floor. "As you wish, your highness."

Kali followed Riley out and up the flight of stairs. Riley had lead her to his quarter and Kali had no idea why. On the way, Riley tried to think of an excuse. He even ended up asking himself why, out of all places, in my room?

But it was too late. Kali had already closed the door and was waiting for him to pressure her with orders.

Riley looked away awkwardly. "Sit."

He pushed a chair to her way. Kali stared at it.


"Stop asking and just sit." He grumbled, glaring at her.

Kali presses her lips into a line and hesitantly sits down on the fancy cushioned chair.

"Am I supposed to clean your room..." she asks, "-your highness?"

"No." He says and walks across to the other side of the room where a glass table stands under a large painting of him. Kali looked at the painting and noticed how the same Prince Riley looked but the paint and frame was pretty old.

"That was back in 1604." Riley said, referring to the painting which made Kali's eyes go big for a while. As she looked at it more, she saw the clothes he was wearing and it seemed to be very very old fashioned. This year is 1742 so that means that painting is 140 years old. Kali wondered how old he must really be...taking in mind that he looked exactly the same then and now.

"I look so handsome, don't I?" Riley asked smugly, taking a banana from the table and peeling it open. He took a bite and smirked at her.

Kali blinked. Prince Riley knows how good looking he is but she wishes he good take down his confidence a bit.

"Right." She said, unsure.

Riley threw the banana peel out the window and Kali narrowed her eyes at him. So he's the one throwing all those garbage.

"What are you glaring at?" Riley raised his brows.

Kali changed her look immediately. "Nothing, your highness."

"Why exactly am I here?" Kali asks after a minute of silence.

"Well," Riley said, looking up as he tried to brainstorm for answers. He couldn't just say he wanted to be friends. That would blow his plan. Kali would think he's crazy. Prince Riley? The second son? That's not common.

"Well?" Kali asks. A few seconds passed and Kali shakes her head. She sighs and stands up. "Well, your highness, it looks like I have no reason to be here so I'll just leave because I have other errands to do in the kitchen—"

"I'm planning to marry Florence." He blurted out all of a sudden just when Kali reached the door. His eyes widen at his words and he immediately begins to regret it. What? He shuts his eyes close.

Kali furrowed her brows as she stopped walking. She slowly turned around to face him. "That's great, your highness. But why exactly are you telling me this?"

Riley bites the insides of his cheek. He couldn't back away now. He doesn't want to look like a coward in front of her. "U-um, I need help?"

"You need help?" Kali pointed at him.

"Yes." Riley nodded hastily as he leaned on the table for support. "Florence and I don't really have the best relationship and she clearly hates me–"

"I think it's you who hates her." Kali says, narrowing her eyes at him. Kali always notices how Florence looks at Riley and it is absolutely not hate.

"No I do not!" Riley protested almost immediately. Kali raises her brows at his sudden burst.

"I just don't know how to express my emotions well. That's it." He covers.

Kali nods at him to continue talking.

"Since you're a close servant," Riley looks at her up and down, "I think it's best if you help me in the progress of getting her to marry me."

"There are other close servants. Why me? You can ask Dan Woodfer to help. He's practically cupid, you're highness." Kali suggested, as she smiled at the thought of Dan matching a whole lot of servants one time.

"No." Riley declined her offer. "I need you to help me because you're female. Don't you get it? I could do a better job if you're the one helping me. You can give me advices and I don't have to worry about hurting Florence because you know how would it feel if a man does those things to you." Riley elaborated more as he walked towards the chair Kali sat on minutes ago and plopped down on it.

Kali slowly nodded. "There's also Madelaine Alby that can help you—"

Riley shakes his head, looking at her. "No. It's Kali Alexander that I want."

Kali flutters her eyes up at him when she heard her name flow through his lips instead of servant. It was a first. Riley looked really serious that Kali had to give in. She doesn't have a choice after all.

"Fine." She said. "I mean, all right, your highness." Kali corrected herself. "When do we start?"

A small victorious smirk made it's way to Prince Riley's lips as he crossed his arms. "Three in the afternoon on Friday. Meet me in my study. You're dismissed, servant."


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