23- Night to Disaster

Start from the beginning

Lauren, opened her mouth and closed her mouth in surprise. "Wow, definitely charming." She noted. 

Reggie nodded, clearing his throat before giving her a grin. "I'll pick you up at 7." 

"This better not be a game, Reg." Lauren warned. 

Reggie gave her a crooked smile. "Never, dear."

The boy bent to give her a kiss on the cheek before he hurried away from her, stared ahead, paralyzed at his actions before shaking her head to make her way to class. 

This time, however she was stopped by Jughead, she exhaled deeply,her face turning stone cold as she briskly walked away from him, he grabbed her arm, pulled her into him before stepping away from the girl. 

"Why didn't you tell me?" Jughead asked finally, his face contorted into one of sadness. 

Lauren diverted her eyes, looking at the floor with no emotion, mumbling. "I'm not talking about this, right now, Jughead." 

"Please," Jughead whispered, his eyes staring back at her. "Why didn't you just tell me, Laur?" 

"What do you want from me, Jughead?" Lauren finally yelled out, anger coursing through her like sparks of electricity. "To tell you I was in a mental hospital for most of the school year? That I was sent by my own sister? You already know all that." 

"I want to know why you didn't tell me, Lauren, damn it. I could've helped you. I want to help you, but you never let me." Jughead stated, his eyes narrowed but his voice so soft. 

"Because I don't want help." Lauren answered, her voice now calm. 

Jughead sighed, shaking his head. "Everybody who's anybody needs help, Lauren, they just never know it."

Lauren clenched her jaw at his expression, her eyes glaring daggers into his. "I don't need your sympathy." 

"I know," Jughead answered, nodding his head. "Just let me be there for you, Lauren. That's all I'm asking for." 

"Why doesn't anyone understand," Lauren whispered, her voice cracking. "I don't need  anyone." 

She was lying through her clenched teeth, both of them were fully aware of that, she closed her eyes for a moment too long, Jughead instantly pulled her into an embrace, Lauren breathed him in the scent that filled her nostrils the moment she was in his arms, it was something the girl could never forget, how strong yet soft the scent was, it was always at the back of her mind. 


A part of Reggie Mantle was sure that Lauren wasn't going to show up at the front door, dressed in a beautiful dress, rather than sweatpants and a hoodie, Lauren was quite stubborn, he was sure of that, so when he knocked on the door, he hoped Lauren wouldn't stand him up or let him go to the dance alone. 

But when she opened the door, revealing a beautiful brunette, her eyes were shy and her smile was slightly awkward but nonetheless she looked amazing. Lauren's hair was in a loose braid but for once, she had done her makeup with a dark red lipstick. Her dress was a deep green that had a cut in the middle of it. 

"Wow." Reggie breathed out, his eyes roaming her body, a smug yet soft smile on his face. "Who knew Lauren Davis could clean up so well." 

Lauren let out a small chuckle, shaking her head as she nodded her head. "Charming." 

Reggie bowed slightly. "As always." His hand extended, letting the girl put her own in it. 

"You look, breathtaking, Laur." 

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