12- Blushes

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The moment Lauren had made her way to Reggie's house she was bombarded with questions as to why she was there.

"No offense, Laur, I love that you're here, literally, but why exactly?" Reggie asked quite reluctantly but paused in between his words to make sure he was speaking in the right manner.

Lauren exhaled loudly, messing up her hair as she ran a hand through it. "I don't really know, Reg. You're just the first person I could think of."

Reggie wasn't sure what to do, he wasn't used to being the first person to go to when someone was in a dilemma, but he was beyond greatful.

"Laur," Reggie whispered, his tone sensing her hardship. "What happened?"

Lauren blew hair out of her face, wiping her face in anxiety before the boy grabbed her hand in comfort. He had a frown set on his face as he watched her.

"My sister kicked me out."

Lauren finally spoke out, she was hesitant, nobody knew about her unfriendly relationship with Maya except for Jughead, she was unsure of what to do in general when she blurted it out.

Reggie opened and closed his mouth in shock, his eyes slightly widened. "What? Why?"

"I don't even know, it's probably just for tonight, we have fights like this all the time." Lauren said, sighing as she spoke.

Lauren leaned back into his chair, looking around the room they were seated in.

"You can stay the night, if you want, Laur." Reggie suggested, his eyebrows raised but a sweet convincing smile on his face.

Lauren sighs standing up, anxious, as her sweaty palms gripped her hair as she paced the room. Reggie stands up as well making his way over to Lauren, his eyes dipped in concern for the girl who was falling apart right in front of him.

"Hey, hey, hey." Reggie said quietly, his hands wrapping around Lauren's arm, he looked deeply into her watered eyes that held too much pain.

Lauren stared back at Reggie, not being able to hold up her front for once, her heart being broken once more as she finally felt the tears roll down. She didn't want to cry, not in front of the boy. Lauren didn't want him to think she was weak and not able to hold in everything.

"Laur," Reggie spoke quietly, his voice too low as his thumbs wiped the tears off the girls face. He held her, finally he let he go, enveloping her into a warm embrace.

"I always fuck up, Reg."

It was foreign to Reggie, to hold someone like the way he was, in a comforting way, he most certainly was not used to it. Finally Reggie pulled away, Lauren's resting head now snapping to look at him.

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