Vacation pt. 1

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"Bae wake uuupppp" I whine as I sit on his lap, shaking him rough yet gentle.

"Tyler Brown isn't here at the moment, please try again later" he responds and I roll my eyes.

"Then tell Tyler Brown that he'll be alone for a week because Justin Blake is leaving his ass to catch a plane" I snap back in a sassy tone.

I climb off his lap and storm out of the room, slamming the door on my way out.

I hear him groan from upstairs as he stomped downstairs slowly.

"Finally! We're gonna miss our flight come on!" I shout as I take his arm and lead him downstairs.

"My suitcase" he groans sleepily, his voice sounding deep.

"In the car, and so are your shoes now let's go" I say as I tug on his arm.

"Where are we going again?" he asks as he rubs his eyes and walks outside with me.

"We're going to Minnesota for the week baby" I reply as we get to the car finally.

He opens the door and gets in the passenger seat, taking his sweet time.

I rush over towards my side and get in, shutting the door and buckling myself in.

I begin to drive and start to talk to Tyler but he groans so I look over to him.

Great, he was asleep and I was talking to myself the entire time.

"BABY!" I yell and he jumps, finally waking up.

"We're here" I add as he looks like he just entered a whole new world.

He groans our whole way into the airport then stops as he looked at me worryingly.

"Babe our suitcases" he murmurs as his voice clearly sounds sleepy.

"Oh about thaat, we're fifteen minutes early. SUPRISEE!" I yell and he gives me a pissed off look.

"Mean hoe" I hear him murmur under his breath and I can't help but to laugh.

"You weren't gonna make us late AGAIN" I reply and he only turns to make me look at his back.

"Fine but good luck getting your suitcase without the car keys" I snap, leaving the airport to go to the car.

I hear him groan but his heavy footsteps assure9me that he had been following.

He whines repeatingly and murmurs as his eyes are barely open.

"Do you wanna sleep baby?" I ask him, turning around to cup his cheeks and tilt his head up.

He nods before pecking my lips and slouching his head on my shoulder which actually felt uncomfortable because he was taller than me.

"Come on baby" I whisper in his ear before taking his hand and opening the car door, signaling for him to get in.

He climbs in and I shut the door, walking around to the other side.

Are We Meant To Be? (Jyler fanfic) ✔️Where stories live. Discover now