Chapter 16: Meeting Once Again

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A/N: while continuing to knock tenten around, jojo soon arrived to do battle with you once again. 

Tenten was knocked back into a wall from a whack from one of your kicks.

(Y/N): that little fan of yours really isn't doing up to much with me. And here I thought that that you were able to give me a bit of fight.

Tenten: I guess you weren't paying attention then, weren't you?

(Y/N): huh?

She then waved the fan and unleashed an enormous trail of intense flames which torrent toward their intended target, that of course being you.

(Y/N): ah sh.......

The trail of flames hit you directly and set your whole body on fire.

(Y/N): ahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!

As you body burnt and melted, Tenten soon stood back up and looked as the flames soon started to die down. When they did, she saw that there was nothing left of you but a big pink puddle.

Tenten: who was she?

The puddle soon started to move.

Tenten: what the?

An arm formed from it, then grabbed tenten by the mouth and lifted her up in the air as she struggled in the grip. She tried to use her fan once more to burn up the rest of you, but another arm came out of the puddle and grabbed her arm before she could. Your whole body soon repaired itself while still keeping your grip on tenten.

(Y/N): that was a very impressive more you pulled there, fan girl. But being burned alive isn't really anything new to me. 

You said before both your eyes showed fire in your eyes, showing off the fall maiden abilities that you had watched cinder use in your battle with her.

(Y/N): let me show you just how to really use fire!

You said before tossing tenten up into the air and shooting a stream of fire at her. Tenten was sent flying and crashing through a wall. 

(Y/N): .........oops............I might have accidentally got a little  a head of myself.

Tenten panted and tried to get back up. But the pain was a bit much for her.

Tenten: d......damn it.

You soon started to approach her as she kept her grip on the large fan, ready to swing it again. But  you soon slammed your right leg into the ground. Your leg moved under the ground before stopping, moving up and bursting out of the ground, hitting tenten in the face and making her lose her grip on the fan.

(Y/N): ah, ah, ah. You've had enough of swinging that fan around.

Tenten: doesn't matter now. Because all I needed to do was just to fight you long enough to get someone's attention.

(Y/N): pfft, if you're talking about that idiot with the dumb hair cut and that blind looking kid. My girls have already deposed of them while you and I were fighting. And even if they have trouble with anyone else, I'll just have more waiting for them.

Tenten: ...............

(Y/N): so I guess while that's taken care of, I think this little battle of ours has reached it's end.

You said before pointing your glowing finger to the direction of her forehead. But just as you were about to fire it, you were met with a swift kick to the side of the face from jojo. He landed a second one on your chest and knocked you back a couple feet away from him and tenten.

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