The Leaky Cauldron

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'Well that's good,' Neville said. 'We need some more talent on our team. We've not won the Quidditch Cup in years!

'Yeah, not since you took over as Head of Gryffindor House,' Ron said, nudging Neville. 'Think you jinxed it, mate!'

Neville grinned.

'How's Hannah doing?' Hermione asked. 'This place really seems to have taken off in the last year!'

'She's good! Missing Hogwarts, obviously. My street cred has gone up a ton since the kids found out I live above the pub, though!'

'Not difficult to boost it up from zero, Longbottom,' Draco said, drily.

'Ah, shove off, Malfoy,' Neville replied with an easy smile.

'That's Granger-Malfoy, thank you very much!' Draco said, kissing the top of Hermione's head.

Hannah strolled over, her blonde hair cropped in a short bob.

'Should have known it was you guys when my bartender disappeared!'

'Sorry, love,' Neville said, jumping up to kiss his wife. His hand rested briefly on the slight bump under her apron. 'Are you 'orrible lot ready to order yet?'

'I am!' Nova shouted, peeking at them over the top of her giant menu.

'Nova, honey, what happened to the kids menu I gave you?' Draco asked.

Nova gave him a dirty look and picked up the smaller, brightly coloured menu.

'It doesn't have what I want, see?' She waved it under his nose. 'Do you see omelette on here? Because I sure don't!'

'You want an omelette?' Hannah asked, laughing as Draco tried to push the menu away from his face. 'I'll make you an omelette!'

'You're spoilt rotten,' Hermione informed her daughter.

Soon afterwards, Hannah and Neville brought the food out. They pulled up chairs and helped themselves to a plate of chips and gravy. Nova carefully cut her omelette into tiny bites, eyeing up Scorpius' spaghetti. He sighed and handed her a piece of garlic bread.

'So, when's the big move?' Neville asked.

'September 2nd,' Rose answered. 'Once the rest have gone back to Hogwarts.'

James slumped further down into his chair, pushing the food around his plate.

'It's not too late to change your mind,' Ginny told him quietly. 'The headmaster said there's a place for you at Uagadou if you want it.'

'Nah, it's alright,' James shrugged. 'I'll see you at Christmas, and you're only an owl away. Same as last year, really. No biggie.'

Neville and Ginny made eye-contact over the children's heads. Neville nodded and mouthed 'I'll keep an eye on him'.

'So, Al, you excited to get your wand?' Ron asked, breaking the silence.

'Yeah!' Albus said, his mouth full.

'It was old Ollivander himself when we were there,' Ron told Harry. 'He hasn't changed a bit. Just as creepy as always. Looks better than last time we saw him, though. He was a bit of a mess back at Shell Cott-. Ow, Hermione, why'd you kick me?!'

'I didn't kick you,' Hermione said with false innocence. 'I was just stretching. Harry, have you seen the new Nimbus yet? Rose is obsessed with it.'

Ron frowned at her. She gestured towards Draco with a quick tilt of her head. He had withdrawn again. Ron's eyes widened and he nodded apologetically.

'No, I've not seen it. Gin's been telling me all about it though.'

'Have you tried it?!' Rose turned to her aunt, her eyes huge.

'I wish!' Ginny laughed. 'I've just been researching it for the Prophet. I'm going to visit the England team next week to see it in action.'

Rose's mouth opened and closed a few times, but no sound came out.

'Rose wants to know if she can come,' Scorpius laughed. 'She's so stunned she's resorted to her native language of Fish Talk. I'm her official translator.'

'Sorry hon, I don't think so. It's all very high security. I'm not even allowed to take photos. I'll see if I can get you an autograph, though?'

Rose nodded.

'She says yes please, that would be very kind and most lovely,' Scorpius said. 'Preferably from her favourite Beater, Emmaline Jones.'

'I'll see what I can do.'

'She says thank you.'

'Oh shut up, Squawk,' Rose said, messing up his hair.

'You see the thanks I get?!' Scorpius said to the table at large, smoothing his hair back down. 'Some sisters are so ungrateful.'

Rose rolled her eyes and grabbed the last piece of garlic bread off his plate.

'Everyone about done?' Hannah asked. 'Can I get you some boxes to take it home?'

'Nah, I think we're finished,' Harry said, glancing around the table.

Hannah waved her wand and the dishes all disappeared. Harry, Ron and Draco followed her back to the bar, all arguing over who would pay.

'Alright, guess I'd better get back to work,' Neville said, heaving himself to his feet. 'See you at Hogwarts, James!'


The group left the Leaky Cauldron, and reentered Diagon Alley. Miranda and the boys had returned home shortly after an incident where Mal dumped his drink on the floor.

'Alright guys. Back to the grind I go!' Ron said. 'I'll see you at The Burrow next Sunday?'

'Bye Dad,' Rose said, hugging him. 'You're bringing your broom for a game, right?'

'Sure thing, kiddo. Got to get all the Quidditch in that we can before half our players leave for school! Want me to tell George to bring his too?'

Rose fixed him with an exasperated look.

'Yeah, you're right, stupid question,' Ron laughed. 'Wouldn't be a proper Quidditch match without our Dynamic Duo beater team!'

After another round of hugs, Ron waved farewell and hurried back to the shop.

'So, you're taking Al to Ollivander's, right?' Harry said to Ginny. 'Me and James will head to Madam Malkin's for some new school robes.'

'You are such a wuss,' Ginny laughed. 'Mr Ollivander isn't that bad!'

'Easy for you to say, your wand wasn't the brother to the wand owned by most infamous wizard of our age!'

'I'd forgotten about that,' Draco commented, absent-mindedly.

'Wait, you knew that?' Harry looked at Draco, who raised an elegant eyebrow back at him. 'Oh. Yeah. Course you did. Sorry.'

'Ok, see you guys back at Fortescue's in half an hour!' Ginny and Albus headed off down the street, followed by Harry and James.

'Right then, let's put your mum and Scorpius out of their misery,' Draco said. 'Off to the bookshops!'

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