~Part 26~

1.9K 44 5

10am, Eastern Time Zone, Norry's House

Norry's POV

~I wake up from my slumber & I find myself unable to go back to sleep. Too much is on my mind....my guilt from what happened with Larry on the phone last night & finding a smart way to tell my parents that I'm going to Paris with Lau & Larry. Should I just tell Lau what happened between me & Larry? I feel like I should but I shouldn't at the same time because I would hate to hide anything from him, but also, Lau & I aren't actually in a relationship so its not like i betrayed him or anything. It just feels like we're dating but not in an official relationship. I don't know what I'm gonna do. I'll probably just keep it to myself & hope that Larry doesn't spill what happened. I doubt that he would tell him though. Now I just need to figure out how I'm gonna tell my parents that I'm going to Paris to be with the guys. I feel like they'll completely shut me down & won't listen to what I have to say. Maybe someone could help me with this, like Sal. She knows how much I love Larry & Laurent & I think she would know just what to say to make this discussion less heated. I better text her right now~

Text Convo

Norry: Sal I need ur help plz😫🙏

Sal: With wat?😳

Norry: Ur up already?😳

Sal: Yeah duh! I was up an hr ago!😝

Norry: Oh yeah I forgot ur an early bird 🐥lol

Sal: Haha! No shit!😂

Norry: 😑Okay. ANYWAYS, can u plz come over this evening to help me talk to my parents about goin to Paris with Lau & Larry?

Sal: Oh boy. Sure I guess I could give it a try. Around what time should I come?

Norry: Thank u Sal!!😊❤& Like 7 or somethin.

Sal: Ur welcome Norr😊So I'll b over at 7.

Norry: Okay great! & I did something naughty last nite lol

Sal: lol ew wat??

Norry: lol I can call u rite now?

Sal: Yup!

Norry: Okay Im bouta call u.

Sal: Kay

Text Convo Ends

Phone Convo

Sal: So what did you do?? *humorous/slightly worried voice*

Norry: Well I....I kinda..had..phone sex with Larry.....


Norry: Sal I didn't mean for that to happen at all!!!

Sal: Oh my God...then how the fuck did it happen then??

Norry: I don't know!!! He pretty much commanded me & talked me into doing it. Sal he would not take no for an answer. I could hear it in his tone of voice....

Sal: Norry you know you could've stopped that from happening...

Norry: *sighs*....you're right. But it was so hard! You know how sexy both of them are right? & Larry just throws it out there that he wants me. His sexy, smooth, soft voice talking dirty to me....he was moaning too. He sounded so sexy, it was just too overwhelming. & truthfully, I didn't want him to stop...

Sal: Damn! I can't lie though, if one of them did that to me, I would've done the same thing. & the way you just described it sounds so fucking good!

Norry: See! & yes it was!

Sal: Imma tell you this one thing though....if you really want Lau. You're gonna have to really show him how much you want him. & that goes along with not flirting with his identical twin brother. You have to show him that you want him & only him no matter how much you find Larry to be attractive & sexy. Larry isn't the one you really love, am I right?

Norry: Yes, you're right. Larry's just so tempting you know? He's bad I tell you..

Sal: I understand. You just gotta lay the law down on him. Don't let him do those things to you. Does he know that you really like Laurent?

Norry: I think he can tell. He just wants to mess with my head...

Sal: & you're sure letting him.

Norry: Like I said, it's hard.

Sal: I feel you because I would probably feel the exact same way that you're feeling. You need to be careful around Larry. He's dangerous.

Norry: No kidding...

Sal: *laughs lightly* You'll be fine Norr. & don't worry about the Paris thing. I'll help you.

Norry: Thanks again Sal. I really really appreciate it.

Sal: You're welcome Norr. I'll see you later.

Norry: Yup! See you later! Bye.

Phone Convo Ends

~Sal is completely right. I need to show Lau that I really want him. It's time to stop beating around the bush & get that man. That perfect, tall, sexy, French, man. I need to show him that my full attention is on him & only him. I love Larry but he's just trying to distract me. I want only Laurent. I think I'm gonna call him later today because I miss him so much already. I'm yearning for him. I just wanna at least talk to him & maybe he misses me too but who knows...~

~Decides to try to go back to sleep for a couple more hours & this time she has no problem falling back asleep~

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