~Part 70~

765 43 18

6:10pm, Hotel Lobby

Laurent's POV

~My recording session with one of my LA friends went real smooth, I'm just excited to get back to my baby. Larry texted me telling me that they are in the game room so I'm heading over there now. I enter the game room & there is a nice amount of people in here & I look over to my right & I see my beautiful girl learning how to play pool from my brother. I walk up behind Norry & hug her from the back, picking her up. She screams & I laugh putting her back down~

Laurent: You miss me? *he says smiling*

Norry: I did baby, you were gone for too long.

Laurent: Aawweeeee I know bébé, I'm sorry. But I'm back now bébé. *kisses her cheek*

Larry: How was the session bro bro?

Laurent: It went smooth, sick beats too.

Larry: Wish me & Norr could've gone.

Norry: Oh yeah, why couldn't we have gone with you baby?

Laurent: My friend, he hates extra company in the studio love.

Norry: Awe I see babe.

Laurent: So what did y'all do while I was gone? *starts aiming one of the pool sticks towards a yellow pool ball*

~I notice that Norry pauses before answering me so I look up at her & bring my attention away from the pool table~

Norry: Ah nothing too much baby. We just hung out by the pool for awhile & then we came here. *smiles as convincingly as she can*

Laurent: Oh okay bébé..

~Why'd she pause & look at Larry like that?? She seems a little off right now. Like she seems kind of uncomfortable to me....& Larry's acting as if he doesn't notice it at all.....Hmm...maybe I'm just being paranoid again but maybe I should see if everything's okay with her because I don't want my love to ever feel uncomfortable. I'll just ask her later~

Larry: *joins in with Laurent to play pool with him*

Norry: *tries to calm down a bit & watches the boys play, watching their every move*

Larry: So what we doing tonight because game right here is gonna get boring eventually. *he asks with his eyes glued to a pool ball*

Laurent: I was thinking we go to the club tonight. This is baby's last night here in Cali & with us so why not go & have a good time? *he smiles*

Larry: *looks up at Norry & stares at her* I'm down.

Laurent: *looks up to stare at Norry*

Norry: *chuckles softly* I'm down.

Laurent: Great! I say we get there at 10 & leave at 12. I don't want you going to bed late tonight Norry baby.

Norry: Aawwee Laaauuuu I can hang.

Larry: No bébé you need your rest oki?

Norry: *sighs* Okay fineeeeee.....

10:30pm, Downtown LA, Club Scene

Norry's POV

~Tonight we wanted to keep it simple so I wore a lavender strapless long sleeve top, a black high waisted skirt, & platform chunky heels with my braids pushed to the side hanging down my right shoulder. The boys look sexy as always & we're just chilling in the VIP section. I'm sitting in the middle of them just bobbing my head to the music. After a little bit, I zone out & my thoughts as I start to think about how this is once again my last night with the boys until God knows when. Whenever I'm with them I feel whole, like the world is our playground. I'm genuinely happy when I'm with them....Larry interrupts me from my thoughts when he wraps his hand around my wrist. I look at him to my left & he nods his head signaling for me to follow him off. He stands up & I get up with him~

~Soulmate Connection~Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt