Chapter two

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Top picture ~ Cassie

After a few minutes of sitting around and doing nothing, Cassie finally comes in. I look at her, a little bit ticked.
"I though you said a few minutes?" I say.
"And there's the Copper we all know and love....." She rolls her eyes and laughs. I raise an eyebrow, not understanding how that was funny. I like it when things are done fast. Cassie sighed. "You're seventeen Cop.... you shouldn't be this serious all the time."
I shrug. "Why joke when the world is a serious place?" I sit back in the chair. Cassie drapes a towel over my shoulder and plays with my hair a little. I love the feeling, but I don't show the pleasure it gives me on my face. Cassie smiled.
"You're like my son.... though you're to much like Jessi... I love him... I love you both... but he has turned you into something that people will not control, as he can't control you, even though he created you..."
I sigh and look up at Cassie. "I love you too...." I smile. I mean it. She took care of me when my parents were killed, she was like a mother to me, which made me happy. Happy. This is an odd feeling. Odd because I never feel it. I shook my head and sat up. "Just get on with the bleaching.... I wanna see my white hair again."
Cassie nods and stops playing with my hair, which makes me frown. Cassie tilts my head back and runs water through it. She then takes a towel and drys my hair. She takes the bleach and opens the bottle. The pungent smell went all throughout the apartment quickly. I grab one of my sweaters from off my dresser and put in over my nose. Cassie rolled her eyes and kissed my forehead.
"You silly....." she laughed a bit, making me smile. She was the only one that ever made me happy.

After a few hours or so, Cassie finishes with my hair. She washes it out and drys it. After she does so, I stands and walk to my bathroom, looking into the mirror. My hair is now white again. I smile at its original colour.
"Thanks Cass..." Cassie walks up behind me and leans on my arm.
"No problem kiddo..."
I sigh and look down. Cassie frowns and takes my cheek in her hand lightly, knowing about my wounds.
"You okay?" She asks. I shrug.
"I don't know... but I need to leave... I can't live here anymore."
"B-but..." I hold up a hand.
"No buts... I have to go."
Cassie looked at me with fear. "You can't... you don't know how to control yourself." I tense.
"Don't tell me what I can and can't do..." I scowl, talking with a warning sound in my voice. She backed up.
I sigh and stand up, rubbing my face. I point to the door. "Out...." I say. Cassie nods and walks out. I sigh once more and sit on my bed. "I have to get out tonight...." I yawn and lay on my side, slowly falling asleep to my memories.

Around one in the morning, I wake. I sit up and rub my eyes, swinging my feet over the side of my bed. Standing, I grab a travel pack and fill it with food. I throw in a few water bottles as well and sling the bag over my shoulders, doing the clip up across my chest. I open my door quietly and walk out, taking in a deep breath. I close my door and walk towards the supply room. I go to open the door. It's locked. I grunt in frustration and back up. I run at he door and jump, kicking the door open with a loud crash. I land easily and walk in, grabbing a tan coloured t-shirt and a sand camouflage long sleeve. I stuff the long sleeve into my bag and pull on the t-shirt. I grab a pair of sand camouflage army pants. I pull the pj pants I slept in off. I pull the army pants on and do up the belt, turning and grabbing a sandy coloured camouflage bandanna off the shelf. I stuff it into my pocket. I grab the same coloured sweater and throw it on, pulling my travel pack on after. I pull on a pair of sand coloured combat boots and jog to the back door, grabbing a hand gun and it's holster. I grab a few extra bullets as well and three throwing/combat knives. I pull my sweater hood up and pull out my bandanna, tying it over my nose and opening the back door, a cool wind flowing in from the wasteland.

I don't realize it, but I stand in the door way for a little while, letting the cold air hit my face. I don't know what's out there, nor will I have time to find out, but I need to get out.

I step out onto the sand on the wasteland and gently clothes the door. I sigh and turn, taking off towards the fence. I duck behind a barrel to avoid the search lights they have on. 'They don't know I'm gone....' I think. 'Meaning this will be a little bit easier.'

I get up and sprint behind an armoured truck, sliding on my stomach under it. The light pass over. I roll out and head towards the fence, ducking behind a few things to hide from other soldiers.

I come to the gate. Slowly walking towards it, I pull out my hand gun and one of my knives, holding them out. I get to the gate and stop. It's closed.
"Fuck...." I mumble, a little to loud for my liking. I hear a sudden rush of footsteps and turn, turning to see a gun pointed at my face. Before any of the soldiers can talk or run, I shoot two and stab one. The killing doesn't faze me. I turn back towards the gate and sighed. I turn to the side and side kick, breaking the lock off. I sigh and look at the second fence. I adjust my pack and start sprinting. I jump and grab the top of the fence and pulling myself up and swinging over, landing on the other side with a thud.

Once I land, I hear a few gun shots. A bullet grazes my ears, making it sting and leave me deaf it that ear. Everything rings as I put my hands to my ears. I yell out in pain and stare at the ground, dots spotting my eyes. I hear muffled yells and looked up, seeing black figures running towards me.
"Fuck..." I mumble, my voice muffled as I'm partly deaf. It take my hands from my ears and turn, sprinting off away form them.

'They still have to climb the fence to catch up...' I think, my feet pounding on the ground as I run into the wasteland. I still hold my knife in my hand, holding it out and ready to throw it. My hearing starts to come back with a ring in my ear. I hear more gun shots, sprinting faster and faster across the sandy nothingness. A wind picks up, flinging sand around. I cover my eyes, listening to the roar or the wind and vehicles behind me. I run faster, as fast as I could possibly go. The more I run, the more fear strikes in me.


Fear was inside me. That was a first. I had to slow to a walk as my legs started to go numb. I had been running non stop for a few hours now, my knees feeling like jello and my thighs starting to cramp. I move my arm from my eyes as I see lights in the distance, the sand in front of my face makes the lights look all jumbled together and one huge splotch of light in front of me. I make my way towards it, getting ready to run the opposite way. As I get closer the sand storm starts to die down, making the lights more into view. The lights come from an old city, a very old, all run down and broken. There was a body of a plane in one building, tail and one wing broken off. I made my way towards it, only one word in my head... Food.

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