Chapter 7-Years Pass

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Before I start. I want to apologize for not updating. I haven't had much motivation to write this story so I focused more on my story dump. But thank you for sticking around if you did.


Time had passed by quickly, Death and Geno walked side by side towards the meeting room quickly. Issues had arisen from the southern kingdom, and it was becoming to much to handle with simple peace talk. Once the two kings entered the room, all fell silent, "Where is the ambassador?" Geno asked everyone side glanced before someone else replied "It doesn't matter, I'm here" attention turned to the person sitting across from the kings. Death looked at them suspiciously "and you are?" The person stood and bowed "Ruler of the Southern kingdom Chara" They spoke as they stood back up. The two glanced at one another before taking a deep breath and took their seats.

The hours of talking and comprising would have seemed blissful if it wasn't for the sense of stress in the air. Death sighed in frustration as the meeting was called for a quick recess, his wings stretched out as he sat at the drop off. Almost nostalgic, and to help that, "Mind if I join you?" Death smiled as he stood up "of course" he replied.

Once they returned to the meeting room, the light and happy mood diminished. The talk of war continues, each and every passing hour feels like hell and to be honest, Death began to get a little frustrated. Finally it was put to a short wait, more paperwork for the two kings but no evident war. Death and Geno walked out through the halls side by side, Death stopped in front of his mentors door he sighed and looked back to his lover "I'll catch up, I just want to see how she's doing" Geno nodded, obviously very tired, he mummbeled a response before walking away.

When Death entered the room, a soft smile appeared on his face, sitting in the room was a small five year old angel. Vivan, like most female angels these past few years, grew ill and died shortly after her daughters birth, and from then Death had taken his role as her mentor, as well as raising the small child. With Geno's help of course. The small child looked up before giggling and running up to him, not quite flying yet but she had the motivation for it certainly, unlike her new mentor. "How are you doing today Memory?" Death asked as he bent down, the small child giggled as she reached for the new growing facial hair, " 'M good!" she squeaked. Death smiled softly and lifted her into his arms "How is studying going?" he asked gently, looking at the few books, much smaller then the ones he was given at this age. Memory didn't need to know about her mother nor the North kingdom. Not now at least. So the history books were fairly new and the oldest they went back was what was recovered by Geno. Memory smiled " I's going good" she spoke. She looked into Death's eyes and spoke again "when do I learn to fly? Like you and the res' of the angels?" she tilted her head and fluttered her wings a bit "Soon. You're still young and that missing tooth of yours should be a reminder of why we aren't trying again" Death chuckled and lightly poked at Memory's mouth.

Death spent an hour or two teaching Memory the basics until she was fast asleep, he placed her softly on the bed and used one of his wings to pull the cover over her. Once he left her room he made his way into his office, much to work on and such little time.

Chapter 7- Years pass

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