It didn't take long before Lincoln came across an ice cream vendor, the man running it had light brown skin with brown eyes and black hair matched with a nice smile "Sup, what can I help you with?" the man questioned 

"Hmmm..., a scoop of chocolate with the works" he responded after a few seconds of thinking.

The man quickly fixed him a chocolate ice cream and drizzled caramel, sprinkled with coconut flakes and topped off with a freshly cut apple slice.

"Thanks!" Lincoln replied ready to give him the man the money but the man shook his head "First scoots of the day are free, but don't tell anyone" He winked. 

"Thanks, Mr....." 

"Ryan, you can just call my Ryan and No problem" He smiled taking a seat.

 "Oh, I'm Lincoln! by the way"  

"Well it's nice to meet you Lincoln, how goes your Summer so far?"

"Oh, it's going  pretty well, being at the beach is real fun and having some ice cream adds on to that"

"Well I'm happy could assist with that" Ryan said with a bless smile 

Lincoln nodded "But I guess I could get going, Thanks for the Ice cream, Hope your day goes well!'

Ryan waved as Lincoln walked back to the beach hoping the Volleyball match would be over and he could spend some time with Ronnie Anne but seems she'd gotten into a swimming race With Lynn, and some other people he used they must have met while he was away.

From one thing to another, it seemed Ronnie Anne was busy hanging out with his siblings, so he tried to find other things to keep his mind off of it but though he tried he could get the feeling of jealousy out of him, so after a while he'd walked further down the beach until he came across a large rock and on top of the rock sat Ryan he was looking off into the ocean, he seemed sad, so Lincoln climb up the rock best he could planting himself beside the man.

 "Nice View?" Lincoln asked 

"Yea, it's nice to come out here a think..." he replied

"You seem down, did something happen?" Lincoln asked curious to why he wasn't smiling like before 

"Just feel forgotten in a sense, if you'd understand that" Ryan answered

"Oh, yea, I know that feeling..but why do you feel like that?"

"Well I don't like announcing things like this but today is my birthday, and seems everyone I know is Busy"

"Oh.., Well Happy Birthday!, and sorry no one's paying much attention" Lincoln tried to think up a way to make him feel better

"It's fine, just gets to me every now and then, but brings you out here my white-haired customer?" Ryan uttered trying to get the topic off himself

"'s just a someone I know is spending a lot of time with my sister but I want them to spend time with me too..."

"Girlfriend I guess?" 

Lincoln lit up like a red candle "W-well, she's not my girlfriend but she's a close friend"

Ryan smiled a little as he turned his head "Sunset heh, looks nice" 

Lincoln only watched the tides as they reached short then pulled back into the ocean, the only thing breaking the upcoming silence was a buzzing sound as Ryan took out his phone and texted something " Weird" he mumbled 

Lincoln raised a brow as Ryan stood and jump off the rock brushing himself off, Lincoln followed behind as a man entered their view, he was jogging, soon it saw easy for Lincoln to see the Details on the man, he looked similar to Ryan but was a bit taller and had lighter brown eyes and slightly darker skin, but the most noticeable thing was his the long jogging pants and vest he wore.

"Finally found you!" the panted catching his breath.

"Thought you were busy today Jay" Ryan replied

"Yea busy with this!" he said taking out a letter handing it to Ryan who opened it, it took sometime before Ryan eyes widened "Wait..all theses names...JAY YOU DIDN'T!" He should his voice shaky, Lincoln only watched to see how this would turn out.

"Yes, I spent the last 4 months, getting all of our friends to sign it, from here to Japan, even France!" Jay replied seeming proud. 

Ryan seemed speechless.

"I even rented out a Movie theater and invited a crap ton of the squad to hang out"

'A whole theater!?' Lincoln though.

"What do you mean a MOVIE THEATER" Ryan shouted.

Jay look to the side giving a sly smirk "I have my ways"

Both Lincoln and Ryan blinked not wanting question that 

"So come on, let's get going, we have the place rented until like 6 in the morning!"

"But why?" The ice cream seller asked

"Hmm? why not? I gotta make sure my little bro has a good Birthday after all"

Ryan sighed before he and Jay began to walk but not before he looked back at Lincoln "Thanks kid" 

Lincoln was happy to have helped, this feeling filled him as he walked back being stopped by the same person he wanted to be with all day, Ronnie Anne.

"Hey, Linc, where have you been, I've been searching for you all over!" she said seeming annoyed.

"Well you were hanging out with Lynn and the others so I didn't wanna bother you.."

She sighed before pulling him by the ear "come on"

"Ouch!" he yelped being dragged along, both coming to a stop at a beach blanket, she sat down patting the space beside her, soon Lincoln sat down as well both enjoyed the sunset, Ronnie Anne leaned her head on his shoulder as the sky with different colors.

 "Fireworks?" Lincoln questioned

"The beginning of summer fireworks" Ronnie Anne replied closing her eyes

Lincoln smiled as the different colors flashed in the sky, neither said anything, they only sad enjoying this moment of silence, the simple moment was all this day needed......


To A Friend: Happy Birth man, this was short as simple, keep shining bright, growing brighter, living better and being the best you, you can be, because I-, NO we all know you can do it!, Be the Diamond that God destined you to be

We all love you Bro, keep living Strong

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