Chapter fifthteen: Beat It!

Start from the beginning

"You okay?" Michael said as we settled into the car.

"Yeah I'm okay, how do you keep such a straight face like that?" I asked him

"Let's just say I have years of practice," he laughed, so I laughed to.

"Where are we going?" I asked.

"I don't really know, I was kinda hoping to just ride around and see what we came find,"

"Sounds good,"

We rode around trying to find a clothing store, and eventually we came across a small store.

"Uhh let's go there," I said in amazement.

"Okay sounds good," Michael said.

We quickly got out and ran into the store.

"You can get anything you want, you know that right, Shelby?" Michael said

"Oh Applehead I can't make you do that," I said

"Well I insist, please I wanna see you happy!" He pleated.

"But I am happy! Happy with you!" I answered.

"Well the if you love me, you'll let me buy you whatever you want," he teased, holding my hands.

"Fine, you got me!" I said laughing.

I looked around and picked out something fancy clothes, some PJ's, and some regular street clothes. Michael got some more black slacks, and dress shirts, and a pair of pajamas.

"You have great taste, Shelby," He said as we walked out of the store.

"Thank you Michael, and same to you," I said

"I'm hungry, you?" I asked him

"Yeah me too, what do you want?" Michael said.

"Whatever you want is fine,"

"No I want you to pick,"

"Fine, how about KFC, we are in Kentucky," I said.

"You know me so well," Michael laughed.

We drove around trying to find one, when we finally came across one.

"The best part about coming to one of these is ordering because they have no idea who they're talking to," Michael laughed.

Michael rolled down the widow and leaned over it, and it was really cute to me.

He ordered our food, and when we got it, right before we drove off, he rolled down the widow again and he stuck his head out.

"Thank you very much!" He screamed to the young girl at the widow, as we drove off.

And that girl fainted 😂

We laughed a bunch as we drove around sight seeing and eating our food.

"So any dreams you have Shelbs," Michael asked

We were now walking around in a park...alone... hand in hand. And it was great.

"Well actually, I've always wanted to be a model," I answered.

"You would make a great one," He said.

"I would! I really would!" I said excitedly.

"Yes Shelby! Why would you ever doubt that?" He asked, looking at me.

"I don't know, I've just always been insecure about my looks, Ya know?" I answered.

"Oh I know, and Shelbs you should never doubt your looks. You are the prettiest, most beautiful, most gorgeous, sexy girl I have EVER laid eyes on, you know that right?" He said

I was blushing like a 12 year old girl now

"Then why have you doubted your looks? You are the most handsome, good looking, Sexy, man I've ever seen," I said

That was the damn truth.

"Thank you," He said blushing.

We walked in silence for about to minutes.

"You know, I can make that happen," Michael threw out.

"What do you mean?" I asked

"Oh you know, getting you into the world of fashion! I could make you a model," he said

"Wait, you can! You really can?!" I said excitedly.

"Yes, if you came back to Neverland with me,"

That rolled off his tongue like California mud slide.

I took a moment to think, come back to Neverland, with Michael Jackson.... it was all very soon, but we really have hit it off for the past days we've been together. I really did love him, not as a fan, but as a lover, a true lover.

"I know it's all very soon, but Shelby Henderson, the past few days we've been together, I've never felt so in LOVE! You've made me the happiest person in the world just being in your presence, I want to continue that. I always say, Love has no boundaries," He said sweetly, looking into my eyes, seriously.

"You know what, Michael? I will come back to Neverland with you! You've made me so happy these past few days, I've never been so happy! I love you know as much as I love my own parents! You mean the world to me, and if that means leaving Gary, then so be it!" I said happily.

This is it.

I was gonna leave Gary Indiana with my lover, Michael Jackson. This was the happiest moment of my life.

"Oh Shelby! I love you so much!" He said, picking me up and twirling me around in the air. He set me down, and pulled me into a strong but gentle embrace. His arms around my hips, and mine on his shoulders. Slowly, we pulled closer, our lips inches away from each other.

This was our first real kiss.

It was sweet yet passionate, I didn't want anything to make it stop, then all of the sudden, I felt a hand on my ass. But it wasn't Michael.

"What the hell!" I said turning around

"Hey sexy, why don't you bring that ass on over here,"

My heart stopped

Now was the time to Just Beat It.

A/N hope you enjoyed this chapter! It's a bit long, but I love it! Xoxo

It Started In Gary IN. (a Michael Jackson Fanfic) Where stories live. Discover now