Change: chapter 1

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Tyler looked up at the sky as he was walking. He paid no attention to his surroundings, because no one was there for sure. He was walking to the bathroom, for the fourth time of the day. He would go only when he needed to clear his head, which was a lot.

He turned around the corner to walk into the large open space where most students were counted in. It had a wide amount of concrete so they can walk on it. You're not allowed to walk on the grass beside it. And then there was a somewhat of a hill of concrete that you could walk up and the jump off back onto the walkway, though it was frowned upon by teachers. It was still was a peice of freedom that the students had.

He slowly walked into the bathroom, savoring the relaxation of just doing nothing. He was a favorite of just about every teacher, so they allowed his constant bathroom breaks. He didn't know why he was a favorite; he most certainly didn't like them. Maybe it was his high grades or his good focus in class.

In truth, he had already finished all he had to do in his current class. This was also his favorite, English Literature. This was because at heart he was a writer, a skilled one as well. He had most teachers at awe with his writing abilities. They would read his stories simply for the sheer pleasure of it. It amused Tyler.

Also, beatings were rarely dealt out to Tyler, and they were grimly delivered. All the teachers took out a simple paddle for Tyler, unlike all other students, who were beaten to a pulp far as Tyler knew. For that reason, most students said that he thought that he was better than the rest of them. Although he denied all accusations, he really did believe himself to be better than all the other students.

Thankfully to all the teachers, the disciplinary officers couldn't touch him. Even the principal seemed to have favor for Tyler. That never happened. He also had straight A's, he was hardly aware that he was imperfect in so many ways.

He almost praised himself more than the teachers did. He stopped at the bathroom door and stared at it for only a little while, then opened and swiftly walked in, letting it close behind him slowly. He let the cool breeze hit him and then began walking to the stalls. He opened it and walked in then sat down quickly.

He let his head fall to his lap, either arm on either leg. He let out a soft sigh and just sat there. He let his eyes slowly close, as he emptied his mind of all things.

He didn't know why he enjoyed sitting on a toilet in a confined space, he just did. He loved the cool breeze he felt because of the never ending air-conditioning, the three surrounding walls of plastic. Like his favorite cutting board, he would usually make only sushi on it. If you were to ask why only sushi, he wouldn't know what to say. It felt right? He just shook his head away from any thoughts.

He waited a few more minutes and then stood up and unlocked the door and opened it. He then walked out hastily, now aware that they could have switched classes already. He stopped at abruptly at the door at noise of screaming and someone being punched.

Tyler's lips formed a smile out of amusement. All students fought each other. The teachers insisted that students settle their differences themselves. Well quickly it turned from simple arguments, to throwing fists of anger at one another. He didn't like to get involved in dangerous situations, but he loved to watch.

He opened the door forcibly, and slipped through. He turned to where the sounds were coming from.

"Shut the hell up! You little bastard!" He saw a punch being thrown at another boys face, it was quickly dodged and then the other boy threw a kick. The first boy was unable to dodge or block, so he was kicked hard in the side. He leaned to the left from the force. His foot began to lift from the ground, as he started to fall. He threw his left arm out to break his fall; he then rolled away from a kick that the other boy swung at him.

"Ha! Jake, you little asshole!"

"Screw you, Tom!"

Jake quickly got up after rolling away and swung a kick at Tom's knee. Tom grabbed his foot; he winced at the pain of Jake's kick, and threw it away. The made Jake stumble back, giving Tom enough time to punch Jake in the nose.

"Oww!" Jake screamed, grabbing at his nose and kneeling to the ground. Tom kicked Jake in the side. Jake fell to the ground from his kneeling position, hitting his nose to the concrete floor, and coughing up blood. Jake groaned out of pain once again.

Tyler saw that Jake was clearly outmatched, and so did everyone else. There was a small crowd barricading the two fighting, one side was on Jake's side, the other on Tom's side.

Jake's side let their head's down in disappointment, as they watched Jake get punched in the face repeatedly. Jake was now covered in his own blood and was almost unconscious, from the looks of it.

Tyler could hardly fight his own smile. The fight had only taken a short three minutes. His smile dispersed from the fact that he could have done no better. But he washed that thought away, as he stuck his hands into his pockets and walked away. He made his way toward class, amused at how the fight had ended. He had seen so many longer fights than that. Those kids had better motives then being angry at their friend.

He turned at the corner to meet at the door leading into the hall where all the classes were held. They hadn't switched yet he observed. He touched the metal pillar leading up to a large metal rectangle of shade.

He sighed as he walked back to class. All he could think to himself as he opened the door to his class was. Nothing had changed.

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