Lyft of Shame

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  • इन्हें समर्पित: xcxcooper

A/N: I'll be honest, I deleted Wattpad from my phone since I didn't use it and it took space from my phone and IIII kinda forgot I had this account, with stories. Ever since I got an AO3 account (shameless plug: go read my Supercorp fics "Fixing The Story" and "Amongst The Stars", my user is thewickedgetnorest, K thanks) I've just been using that to read fics and write stuff but, today I got an email of someone asking me to write more Fleurmione sooo, I figured "I'm a little rusty on writing aaand I am having a bit of a writers block despite having an outline so... eh why the hell not?" so what I'm trying to say is: @galoremadness this is honestly just for you since I'm really not writing anything Harry Potter related currently and I'm not as big of a fan of Wattpad as I used to be, considering I'm on the AO3 community now and I'm not entirely sure of how many people actually read this. I hope you enjoy it!

Fleur Delacour really couldn't believe this was happening again. Every single Sunday for the last month, she'd do the walk of shame from an unknown girl's house. If she was being honest, she was just trying to get over her break up with her last girlfriend, Jenny. She still had no idea how Jenny had left her for a random, bland boy named Damian.

She sighs and looks down the street, she called a Lyft on her way out of the building. She sees the Lyft pulling over and gets in without really paying attention to her surroundings.

"Excuse me, this is my Lyft" a soft voice speaks up.

Fleur's eyes shot open. She looks to her right and spots a bushy haired brunette girl, looking at her with tired eyes and a bit of smudge lipstick. She was wearing a short black dress and holding her strappy heels in her hand.

"Oh, Desolé, I had no idea this wasn't my Lyft" Fleur responds, still looking at the beautiful girl in wonder.

"Actually miss, the company only sent me since you were both in the same location" said the driver "we're short on staff today" (A/N: Listen I know that makes no sense since Sunday would probably be the ideal day to go pick up people for whatever reason but bare with me)

"Oh, S'okay then, please wake me up when either of us gets to our stop?" the girl asks Fleur.

"Oui... uh, I'm Fleur" the French woman states hesitantly.

"Mmm.. Hermione" the girl says before passing out, little, soft snores coming out of her open mouth.

Fleur tried. She really really tried not to stare at her but it was no use. The driver, unlike many other that Fleur had gotten service from, was really quiet and didn't put on the radio so all that could really be heard were cars passing by and Hermione's rather cute snores.

"We're here ma'am" the driver says eventually.

"Oh, this is not my house, it must be hers" Fleur says before turning to Hermione.

"Hermione, Hermione madmoiselle..." Fleur calls but Hermione is still in deep sleep. She slowly reaches out to move a strand of hair from Hermione's face and then puts her hand on her shoulder, starting to shake her lightly.

"Chéri, you're home" Fleur tells her as she sees Hermione's eyes flutter open.

"Oh... thanks" Hermione slowly sits up and goes to open the door, but before she does she looks back at Fleur and calls her name.


"Fleur, look at me, Fleur" Hermione says, her voice clear of sleep and loud. Fleur looks at her confused as she continues.

"Fleur!" She hears a voice yell. Fleur blinks a few times to take in the light coming through the kitchen window. She looks up and sees Hermione, in one of her work shirts, smiling at her while holding a bowl of sliced strawberries.

"I asked if you wanted strawberries with your pancakes, dear"

"Oh, oui chéri" Fleur smiles softly at her girlfriend of two years.

Fleur Delacour can't believe this is happening again. She can't believe that every morning she gets to wake up next to this amazing woman who somehow decided that Fleur was worthy of her. She now thanks her lucky stars every day for making the decision of calling that Lyft, after doing that Walk of Shame.

A/N: This is really short, really random but hey, it's the best I've started and finished on the same day in a WHILE. I tried, I really did guys, so I hope you enjoyed it! That's all for now.

आप प्रकाशित भागों के अंत तक पहुँच चुके हैं।

⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Jul 24, 2018 ⏰

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Harry Potter One Shotsजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें