Broken (an xBayani fanfiction)

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  • 点播给 Jordan 'Bayani'


We're 5secondsofcube, Ashley and Lydia!

This is our first Bayani fanfic (and first fanfic on this account, for that matter, but not our first fanfic we've written. But we aren't gonna tell you them because they're horrible and vvvvvv cringe-worthy.

Please enjoy the story and please don't forget to vote//comment!


[edit: hey there, it's probably the first time you're reading this, unless you're re-reading, in that case, <3 but just here to tell you that the first few chapters were co-written, ie. first chapter completely by ashley, second chapter my lydia, third by ashley, etc. But now it's Ashley who writes the story and Lydia revises and edits! Just in case anyone would be confused by the "-Ashley" or "-Lydia" at the ends of each chapter up until about chapter 10-ish.]

Broken || xBayaniWhere stories live. Discover now