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Ouinn's POV (WOW!)

I woke up in my new room and rememeber how daddy said that it was the 4th of July today and we needed to wear red white and blue. I walked over to my closet and put on the outfit mommy picked out for me.

 I walked over to my closet and put on the outfit mommy picked out for me

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After I got dressed I went to my bathroom

After I got dressed I went to my bathroom

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And brushed my teeth

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And brushed my teeth. Then I went to Wyatts room to see him standing in his crib

"Hi, Hi Wyatt, Let's go walk up Mommy and Daddy!" I said picking him up out of his crib and walking over to mommy and daddy's room

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"Hi, Hi Wyatt, Let's go walk up Mommy and Daddy!" I said picking him up out of his crib and walking over to mommy and daddy's room. I opened the door then I set down Wyatt of the sofa. Then I climbd up onto their bed. I giggled while jumping on the bed.

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⏰ Last updated: May 06, 2018 ⏰

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