Chapter 15: Never Underestimate Your Foe

Start from the beginning

Pain: fool,  defeating so few of us does not truly mean that you have achieved victory. Now you will all know pain before your lives end.

Jojo: don't underestimate warriors like us.

Jojo then charged at pain and threw a punch at pain, who managed to dodge it. But didn't get a moment to dodge another punch from jojo, who managed to lad it to his face in under just seconds. Pain was sent flying with jojo chasing after him. Zetsu was slammed into the ground by aeron and adam trying to land a punch on Itachi, who blocked it.

Kai: and so it begins.

She then looked down to konan, who was ready to use her paper shurikens on adam.

Kai: hmmmmmmmmmm, It's hard trying to keep 3 annoyances away when one of the people you're using to do so is a babe. All well.

She then appeared behind konan and placed her hand on her shoulder. 

Konan: hm?

She said before turning around a bit to see kai behind her.

Kai: sorry, lady. You're tagging out this time.

Kai said before she and konan were gone, leaving the 3 boys taking on the 3 remaining akatsuki members in the area who were still conscious. 

Jojo: where's that confidence of yours that were saying earlier?!

Pain: your arrogance will become your downfall.

Jojo: let's just see about that then. 

Jojo then used instant transmission. Pain was just about to use his rinnegan. But was met with jojo appearing behind him with a kamehameha ready.

Pain: what?!

Jojo: how's this for pain?!

He fired the kamehameha directly at pain, destroying him. After kicking away zetsu, aeron made a large sharp disk appear and tossed it at him. The large disk went right through zetsu, slitting him in half.

Aeron: I guess he was only half the person he thought he was.

There was silence after that.

Aeron: everyone's a critic. -_-

Adam was laying hits on itachi. Itachi got some hits on him as well with some of his abilities like fire-enhanced shurikenjutsu or Great Fireball Technique. But they those attacks were no match agaisnt the saiyan warrior.

Adam: You made a mistake when your boss decided to make a mistake!

Itachi: it's already over for you.

Itachi then used Genjutsu on adam. Adam then found himself on a cross with multiple itachis around him.

Adam: really?

ItachI: I'm going to cut you piece by piece. You will feel a nearly endless amount of pain.

He said as each itachi held up a blade. But once one tried to shove it into adam's skin, it didn't even go in.

Itachi: itachi

Adam: It's going to take more than that to take down a saiyan!

He yelled before powering up and knocking itachi away. Adam looked around and saw that he was back in the same rocky area from before.

Adam: wh.......what the hell even was that?

As itachi got back up, Adam saw this and charged at him before he had a chance to do anything else. He slammed him into a wall and threw multiple flurries of punches on him until he passed out. Adam was panting a bit.

Adan: next time..........don't ever try using........shit like illusions in a fight. It doesn't end well for others.

He said before walking over to aeron and jojo.

Jojo: well, we took care of those guys. 

Aeron: but the question is do we go after 21, or that woman who tried to attack us earlier?

Jojo: I was actually thinking the same thing. And I was thinking that maybe we should split up. I go after 21, while you guys go after the unknown woman.

Adam: but what about you?

Jojo: I'll be fine. I just can't dick around with her the time I run into her again. 

Aeron: and you're positive that you can take her on alone?

Jojo: I'm not too positive. But, I'll still try no matter what!

He said before using Instant transmission.

Aeron: sooooooooooo is he obsessed with this girl or something? I kinda forgot.

Adam: she ate all his friends and family.

Aeron: oh.............

A/N: that would fuck anyone up. (Also, i'm sorry that the fight in this chapter most likely sucked. I was trying to see what the abilities of the naruto characters could do and then it lead to troubles on if they work on dragon ball characters and I just said fuck it. But I will do my best with future battles in this book. But for now, good night).

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