"Well yeah but." Verger shrugged.

     "You kissed me, man." Lorn took another bite of burger. "You got the hots for me don't you."

     "I can admit you're attractive."


     Verger raised an eyebrow. "What?"

     "There's a 'but' that should follow your statement as to assure me you don't fap to me or some shit."

     "I don't fap to you. I fap to Peter Steele." (img to the right)

     "Don't even care who that is."

     Verger took his phone out of his pocket and unlocked it to show him the background Lorn had seen before but never thought to question.

     "His eyes are photoshopped."

     "Nu-uh they're that green."

     Lorn shrugged, nose scrunched up. Turning to his burger, he finished it and threw the wrapper in the bag. Then, he took the coke and sipped from it.


     Lorn looked at him from the corner of his eyes, an eyebrow raised.

     "Are we cool." Verger deadpanned.

     Lorn let go of the straw and pinched it. Moving it up and down, he observed the funny noise it made. "Of course, I told you already."

     "Told me what?"

     The straw's motion intensified. "You know... what I said after punching you twice that night."

     "Well why won't you say it now. I mean it wouldn't be gayer than jacking off a cup of coke."

     Lorn gawked at what he was going and laughed, then threw the cup hard enough to get it over the edge, a good few meters away.

     "The scenery is too sappy." Lorn murmured, looking at him. Verger glanced back lazily. "All right fine: you know I love you, I wouldn't ditch you because of this... I just need some time to get used to it."

     Verger finally smiled, a cheeky grin that reached his eyes. "Good." he rubbed his upper arms.

     Lorn nodded, glancing at the goose bumps on his skin.

     "I'm fine." Verger assured.

     "Nah I'm not cold so just..." Lorn shrugged his (Verger's) leather jacket off, throwing it on his head.

     Verger pulled it over his (Lorn's) hoodie, and took the hood out to let it on the leather back. The jacket went well with it, black on burgundy.

     He then observed the sleeves that reached his knuckles and the way he could easily move around.

     "You loosened it up." he scoffed.

     "Well I mean..." Lorn chuckled, placing an elbow on his knee and flexing his bicep, head hanging low with his long hair covering the muscle.

     "You are so metal right now." Verger stated, poking at his arm.

     "I really hadn't meant to go for the look..." Lorn took a few strands between two fingers and observed them. "Should I get a haircu-"

     Verger screamed loudly, and then they gawked at each other as it echoed between the dark, lanky buildings and towards the sunrise.

Viscount Streetlove (boyxboy)Where stories live. Discover now