[5] Robe party.

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     "Well? Isn't it cool?" Lorn observed Verger ask with as much enthusiast as his modest collection of facial expressions allowed. His eyes remained half closed as always, but managed to reflect the dull light of the pub in what represented happiness, and his lips were stretched into a lazy grin.

     "It's kind of noisy." Lorn replied, awkwardly tapping the counter on a rhythm he couldn't find.

     "Noisy?" Verger squinted. "You call rock music noisy?"

     The bartender just arrived with her drinks, and upon hearing the previous statement, she accidentally spilled a little of Lorn's drink, staining the awkwardly tapping hand.

     "I mean... yeah, it's just a lot of noises moshpitting..." Lorn justified as he wiped his hand with a napkin.

     "Dude." Verger slumped down, shoulders uneven. He was well into a couple drinks. "Whatever you say."

     Lorn scoffed, then discreetly scooted closer upon hearing someone sit down beside him. People in that pub (99.9% metalheads 0.1% Lorn) tended to look and act a good few notes above creepy.

     But then, with a purse of the lips and a raise of the eyebrow, Lorn remembered his statute of Viscount Streetfighter and casually glanced over his shoulder to nonchalantly check who positioned themselves in his vicinity.

     He scooted closer to Verger.

     His friend noticed that and glanced to see who was there, and much to Lorn's horror, he cheered.

     "Long time no see you cuddle-bear!"

     Lorn watched with a shiver as a fist the size of his head pumped Verger's, the hair on those fingers gathered together being the equivalent of his stubble.

     A low growl that had occasional bumps in the tone was the Verger's response, most probably laughter but Lorn wouldn't bet his arm on it.

     Once he took his drink, the man left with thuds matching the drums banging at Lorn's head.

     "Cuddle-bear?" he whisper-yelled.

     "He likes to cuddle." Verger nodded. "And reminds people of bears. Cuddle-bear."

     Lorn glanced around form underneath his eyebrows, left and right. What girl in their right minds would want to cuddle with that? Hell, he doubted he'd survive a pat on the back from that man, let alone hugs.

     "Hey. Cheers to us." Verger distracted him, raising his glass of Jägermeister.

     "Yeah, cheers to us." Lorn knocked their glasses and took the shot with a hiss to follow. "You good there buddy?"

     Verger was swaying a little. "Yeah buddy I'm fine buddy you good buddy?"

     "Yeah I'm-" Lorn burped with his mouth close. "-fine."

     Verger grinned silently at that, then sighed heavily and let his head roll around, his half closed eyes distantly acknowledging the faces around.

     His head stopped, rolled all the way to the back to observe someone. With a squint, he straightened up and looked back, blinking.

     "What?" Lorn followed his gaze, only seeing a group of men and a waitress that instantly caught his eye. Their table was loud, as if playing cards required that much manifestation.

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