Chapter 2

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-Lalisa's POV-
I was about to intervene in the fight, but even more of his 'Not-So-Friendliness Pellets' started surrounding her. I watched in fear as she covered her eyes and expected the worst. My poor Jennie, if we ever get out of here what will I to say to the fans? They'd be so upset.. The attack that was about to kill Jennie was blocked off with a fireball, before Flowey got hit with one himself.

Then, a lady rushed to Jennie's side. She was wearing a long, purple dress, she had horns, milk-white fur.. and a very worried look. "What a terrible creature, torturing such a poor, innocent youth..." She put her hand on Jennie, a green aura surrounded surrounded her entire body, healing her.. or maxing out her Health, according to this.. Menu thing...

Jennie's only response to the kind lady helping her was to run away and hide behind me. "Ah... Do not be afraid, my child-" She paused and looked at me and the other members. She finished her sentence. " I am Toriel, the caretaker of the ruins. I pass through this place every day to see if anyone has fallen down. You four are the first humans to come here in a long time."

Jisoo seemed a little pissed that only Jennie got healed, and not Chae. She gave her a piggy back ride to Toriel and politely asked her to heal her friend. "Miss Toriel, could you please heal my friend for me?" God, she really was pulling another 'Oh! I'll act nice when other people are around, (besides the members,) and be a complete mean ass when we are alone!' Stunt. But i'll let it pass since Chaeng is actually in a bad condition.

"Of course my child." Toriel responds. She puts her paw on Chae-young's legs and the green aura heals it. Although, we aren't really children.. Mainly because I am the youngest, and i'm twenty-two. But, I guess it's okay. I mean, all Moms call their daughters or sons 'Child' even when they grow old, right?

Jisoo sets Chaeyoung on the ground, and Toriel continues what she was saying before Jisoo was being a complete liar. "Come! I will guide you four through the catacombs." I notice the fight menu goes away. "This way, my children." She begins going through a purple double-door with some type of.. Symbol on it.

But anyways, as we continue walking, I was wondering how this was even possible. A talking goat.. that's your Mom now?! How crazy is that? Am I dreaming? Who knows..

-Jennie's POV-
As soon as we walk through the double doors, there is a orb of light laying in the rose petals near the stairs... Toriel waits patiently at the top of the stairs. "You guys see that weird blinding light in the rose petals, right?" Jisoo shrugs, "Uh, no. Anyone else?" Chae-young and Lalisa shake their heads. "Maybe the flower guy's attacks were just-" Jisoo said in a teasing voice. Lalisa cut her off knowing what she was about to say.. What does that light thing do, anyways..?

Well, there is only one way to find out. I touch it, and it doesn't feel like anything. Except I hear Chae-young start talking nonsense.
"The shadow of the ruins looms above, filling you with determination" "What was that all about," I ask. "As soon as you touched the weird light thing a box popped up and said what I just read aloud to you.. I'm pretty sure the rest of us saw it too." Everyone nods. I turn around, and the black and white box changes words again.

"Jennie, LV 1." Chae-Young narrarates, even though I see my name. "Wait, SAVE.. what's SAVE?" I asks. "We don't know what you're talking about. You're not making any sense.." Jisoo replies. "Maybe I can only see it because it has my name on the top left.." I emphasize the word 'my'. "She has a fair point, Jisoo." Chae-Young says. "Press SAVE. See what happens." Lalisa commands. I do, and the text turns yellow then the whole box altogether dissapears.

Since it didn't do anything, I just shrug and walk off with the rest of the members.
After alot of puzzles, talks with Toriel while walking.. Toriel stops at one of the purple hallways. "You have done excellently thus far, my children. However... I have a different request to ask of you... I would like you to walk to the end of this room by yourselves." Great. She's talking like YG.. "Forgive me for this." She runs all the way to the end, and we follow her.

As soon as we reach the end, she greets us. "Greetings, my children. Do not worry, I did not leave you. I was merely hiding behind this pillar the whole time." It was obvious that she was hiding behind the pillar when Lalisa started glancing at it earlier from time to time. "Thank you for trusting me. However, there is an important reason for this request. To test your independance. I must attend to some buisness, and the four of you have to stay unsupervised for a long time."

She definately sounds like YG, we can't go anywhere without a manager supervising us. He's too... Overprotective.. "Please remain here. It's dangerous to explore by yourselves, even if there's more than one of you. I have an idea. I will give you a CELL PHONE." She pulls a old, Nokia like phone out of one of her pockets in her dress. "If you have a need for anything, just call. Be good, alright?"
With that, she leaves the room.

"Alright, now that we are alone.. I would like to say some things. We are NOT fighting this whole time we are down here." I say. "But-" I put my fingers on Lalisa's lips. "Lalisa, Jisoo.. No fighting. Or hurting others. Chae-Young, we aren't letting you decide our vacation location next time-" "..and you need to work on your trust." Lisa puts her finger on my lips. I pull her hand away, and I nervously fix my hair, "Right...."
1032 words (including POV changes.).
Time Taken: One hour and 12 minutes (not freaking kidding)

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⏰ Last updated: May 30, 2018 ⏰

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