Just One Night ~20~

Start from the beginning

“Kate.” Tiffany spat, bitterly. “The worst part is that these were done a month or so ago. They still haven’t faded…”

“What happened?” I repeated, more urgently. I’d told Kate that if she sent Tiffany down I’d take her to court, but now it was for a different reason. Tiffany needed this too. At least, I think she did.

“I told Kate I wanted to hire a professional agent for modeling, because it seemed like a nice idea.” Tiffany told me, and I was shocked to see tears in her eyes. I put an arm around her shoulders awkwardly. “She hit me because apparently this is bonding time, not just a job. Then I tried explaining that to me it was a job that I loved doing, and she just got angrier. She said that I couldn’t become anything more than a model if I hired a modeling agent.” She looked up at the ceiling. “Can I get an ice pack or something? I haven’t had a chance until now.”

I nodded. “Yeah, sure. Sorry.” I rushed to the kitchen. So it was happening again, and this time was somehow worse. Kate had only hit me one time, and from the sounds of it this was a recurring thing with Tiffany. She even knew how much make up to put over it.

I handed her a couple of ice packs wrapped in small hand towels, and she placed them on her stomach.

“Thanks.” She said, letting her head fall back.

“So, why did you come?” I asked, still confused. She was eighteen, why didn’t she just sue Kate?

“Because I need your help in court. See, they might believe an eighteen year old got beaten, but if you testify too, there’s no way they can discount it. We’ll have a solid argument.” She said.

I bit my lip. “I want to help you, I really do, but is there any chance you can wait until I turn eighteen? My dad doesn’t know about it and I’d prefer him never to.” I said.

“Why doesn’t he know?”

“He was at work, and Kate claimed it was some ten-year-old who lived near us. I never argued it because she basically had my leg in a death lock while she said it.” I told Tiffany, who rolled her eyes.


I nodded, then paused. “Hang on. The only two people who know about what happened are me and Kate. How do you know?” I asked.

Tiffany just sighed. “Kate was bitching about what to do to my dad. She kept saying that she wasn’t sure whether or not to take you seriously because it was over twelve years ago. She then started trying to explain how since she only hit you one time it was an accident.”

I gritted my teeth. “I’ll help. I don’t want to tell my dad though. I don’t want to have to involve anyone else in this.” I said.

“Why not? Why haven’t you told on her after all these years?” Tiffany asked, sounding genuinely curious.

I smiled a little at her. She was definitely not the little angel Kate thought she was, and I loved it. “First of all, leverage. Second of all, the worst thing that could happen to her is jail. I’d rather see her there than dead.”

“Why would she die?”

“My dad owns about three guns. He already hates her for leaving, what do you think he’d do if he found out she hit me as well?”

“Good point.” Tiffany bit her lip, and I almost laughed. Maybe we had similar habits too. “Ok, we can wait until you turn eighteen. But you have to do something for me.”

I nodded. “Sure, what is it you need?”

“I need a place to stay. I can fake being perfect for another couple of months or so without getting a beating, but you have to be nicer to Kate. I was only allowed over here because I told her I’d come over and convince you Michigan was a nice place. You can just keep her busy by texting her and asking about University of Michigan, and what kind of psychology classes you’d have to take. Just keep her thinking about you. I’ll move in the beginning of July and tell Kate I got some amazing modeling camp opportunity in New York, but we’re not allowed cell phones or internet at all. I’ll give her a fake number and address so she can’t track me or something.” Tiffany took a breath, and I left my mouth open for a few seconds.

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