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It's been a year since the Molnija took over. You can't begin to imagine how much things have changed since we last met. The world has become a darker place, Rosalinda, you should be glad you're in Moorke. Zedlin and I are doing fine, so do not fret, I will write you again. Take care my beloved.


I folded the letter and put it into an envelope to send with the guarder. Soon we will be off again, Zedlin and I. This journey has stolen a lot of time, but the challenge, has yet to begin. I remember when my town was joyous. Children playing, people conversing by the river, the sun shining so bright over Lindercool. I remember meeting up with Zedlin on the weekends to go fishing. He was always tall, around six feet. He had long dark hair, black as oil and tanned skin. He would always look at me with his blue eyes, filled with joy and excitement for the fish he hoped to catch. He would always make the same bet, whoever caught the least amount of fish would have to do the winners homework. Zedlin always won. Since then, Zedlin has cut his hair, and his eyes don't light up anymore. They are always too serious. He tries to hide his emotions, but I can read him like a book. It's like the sun has disappeared, leaving Lindercool in darkness. When the Molnija came, it wasn't a big deal at first. No one had known who they were, what they were planning. So we kept on living as if nothing happened, but soon things started to change. Secret groups started forming, trying to enforce some new rules to “better the society”. People tried to retaliate but it never got far, a nark was always somewhere watching, listening to conversations, making sure the rules were followed. When the government tried to abolish the rules, they only got overthrown. There were too many people on the side of the Molnija, and they took over our nation. As soon as I heard, I sent my loved ones to the coast of our neighboring nation, Moorke, to live. I tried to send Zedlin also, but he was persistent and stubborn. He too wanted to stand up for what was right and I couldn't convince him otherwise. I wanted to make him go so I’d know he was safe. But even though we grew up like brothers, I had no authority over him and we were the same age. The Molnija have heard rumors of us trying to fight to free our nation, and they only laugh at us. They think we can't do it, but they have underestimated us. We have people, moles, all around the nation helping us complete our mission and even if it kills me, I will free the nation and the sun will shine in Lindercool once more.

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