20 (18+)

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Daniel's POV

12:00 midnight

"Where is she? Its almost midnight." I said as I look at the watch.

So, I called Guanlin.

He answered my call.

"Hello?" I said.

"Well well well. Look who is finding his "future wife"." Guanlin said as he smirk evily.

"What do you mean?" I asked in confusion.

"HELP! HELP OPPA! OPPA! HELP ME!" Jang eun begged in pain.

"I am taking Jang eun with me..." Jae hwan said.

"Shit..." I said as I facepalmed.

"Dont find her. If you find her, we will kick your ass off!" He said.

"Oh, what about the police?" I asked saracastically.

"Dont report to that bitches! I will kick your family asses off!" He warned me.

Then, he hang up.

I immedietly rushed to the police station.

"Hello? What can we help you?" The policeman asked.

"My little sister is missing!" I panicked.

"Dont panic sir. Whats her name?" The policeman asked as he takes out notebook to write the information.

"Her name was-"


I was cut off by the notifications.

It was from the boys.


Jisung: We watching you, Daniel...

Jihoon: Yeah. We're watching you...

???: What did I told you?! Dont report the police! Hehehe....

Guanlin: I will mess Jang eun up... We will get you Daniel...


Daehwi: Jang eun is with us. We will get you Daniel.

Minhyun: You will dead, Daniel. Hahaha....


"Sir?" The policeman shake my shoulder.

"Yes? Ah, no thanks. It was false alarm." I said as I run away.

I stopped at the beach.

"JANG EUN-SSI!" I yelled as I cried.

Then, I sat on the floor.

My knees feel weak, I feel dizzy, and my vision became blurry.

Then, I fainted.


Jang eun's POV

"Well well well. Look who's this ugly girl." Jae hwan as he poke my head.


"Cut her hair. Undress her and bought her to the room." Guanlin ordered the boy.

Then, Yook Ji dam bought scissors on her hand.

"Hah! I will fuck your brother when he came." she said as she cut my hair to short hair.

Daehwi and the boys just standing there, laughing at me.

My Step Brother Kang Daniel (Jang-eun X Kang Daniel)Where stories live. Discover now