Prologue: Meetings at Midnight

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Every day we were greeted with more death reports. The odds for winning the war were steadily sliding out of our favour. Fear and desperation plagued the wizarding world. This morning a large barn owl had dropped off a letter from Dumbledore, it was vague and unclear, but I had a suspicion that our conversation in Hogsmeade wasn't exactly going to be "light".  The sun had set as I made my way down the bustling street. Cold clawed at my face as I drew my coat tighter around body. Freshly fallen snow muted the sound of my boots. Then the streets became emptier. The dingle of the bell was barely audible over the gale forming outside as I entered The Hogs Head.

I scanned the bar looking for a familiar trail of white beard. He wasn't here. Shrugging, I took a seat and waited for the warmth to return to my body. Time passed. I watched all kinds of magical folk enter and exit. I glanced at my watch; half an hour gone by. I continued to wait. My head was slowly descending towards the table when I heard a voice to my left; "Do forgive my tardiness, I was running some errands." I rotated to face Dumbledore, raising an eyebrow at him I queried "Why am I here, surely my owl is secure enough to disclose any information?" "Ah my girl," he sighed as he sat down, "I have an important matter that I wish to discuss, I fear it is too much to ask of you but ..." His weary eyes gazed apologetically at me. He did a big flourishing hand gesture as if to explain and then announced with self-pity, "I'm desperate".

Thoroughly intrigued I enquired, "elaborate?" "As you are aware, Voldemort is gaining more power as each day passes. We must be prepared for the worst outcomes. I have confirmed that Voldemort has indeed created Horcruxes like we suspected. To the best of my knowledge he has between six and seven of them. I myself have undertaken the task of identifying, locating CD and destroying these dark objects but if something were to happen to me, I've asked Mr Potter to continue this quest. I don't doubt the he will be completely committed to this, but in order to defeat Voldemort they all must be found and eliminated. It is a nearly impossible task. I'm sure you can understand my concern for the boy's capabilities. Even though his bravery and intelligence in the face of danger has be proved on more than one occasion, he lacks the skills and training you have. Thus, my concern for his safety. And Severus ... well he has always been a risk."

He shifted slightly in his seat and then hesitated; "I need a favour. If something were to happen to me, I think the best course of action would be for someone to travel back to Voldemort's era and stop him. Rachel ... will you do this for me?" I stiffened and swept my eyes over him. Not once did he shrink under my cold and calculating gaze as I analysed him. The way his hands were positioned, how he wore a bemused mask to hide his anxiety and the way his eyes spoke to me. After gathering as much information as I could. I contemplated the task, what it would mean for me, how it would affect others? Time travel is a complex realm of magic with enormous dangerous and consequences, I should know. Dumbledore waited patiently and refrained from speaking. 

I looked pointedly at his hand; the black tentacles now grasped at his forearm. "How long do you have left?". In response he smiled, "I am an old wizard Rachel, my time would have been up sooner or later - but to answer your question maybe a couple of months at best". The frown between my brows narrowed. "Don't be concerned about my health, there are much more pressing subjects", he murmured, waving it off. With an unreadable face I probed, "hypothetically if I were to agree to your proposition, how would you propose I rid the world of this Dark Lord?" A twinkle in his eye appeared as he chuckled, "that is up to you, creative license my dear." I clenched my jaw. "Let's be clear, you want a 16-year-old girl to illegally time travel to change some of the most defining events of Modern Wizarding History?" "Precisely," Dumbledore agreed.

I flipped the collar of my coat up as I stood , sighing, "I'll do it." From a quilted lilac pocket, he produced a gold necklace with an hourglass in the centre as well as a two freshly inked letter. "Here," he said gingerly, "use it well, I believe you have the best chance out of all of us" I quickly tucked the items away whilst glancing around the pub to see if anyone noticed the exchange. "Thank you," I whispered. With a handshake we parted. The quiet chatter and clinking of glasses faded. Out in the cold, night greeted me like a trusted friend. I pulled my hood over my face before slipping away into the darkness.

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⏰ पिछला अद्यतन: Jun 18, 2022 ⏰

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Addictted to the Darkजहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें