4. Dinner

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As he walked up to the entrance of the dining hall, a young woman came to his side. "My Lord, my brother is sick, travelling the Bifrost didn't become him. I will be filling in for him, I hope you don't mind?"

Loki looked the woman up and down, Mirilya was hardly recognisable. Her unruly curls were put up in a snood at the back of her neck and she was wearing a long dress with sleeves in a pale shade of green. She looked a little older now her curls were tamed, less like a girl, more like a woman. Because of the simplicity of her outfit, her sparkling golden eyes got all the attention. And right now, those eyes were fixed on his face, watching him a little unsure. Loki checked himself, tearing lose from her gaze, so he could confirm it was alright with him.

When he walked into the richly decorated dining hall, his handmaiden following him a few steps back, he had her beautiful eyes on his mind. It was easy to lose yourself in the sparkling depths of their gold vision.

Just as he reached the table, where everyone was waiting to be seated, a page announced the entrance of the King and Queen of Asgard, followed by their guest of honor, princess Loriana. The Lady of Alfheim was escorted by Lord Hergund, looking splendid in his formal attire. The princess looked even more beautiful than earlier today, wearing a dark green dress that just floated around her. Her otherwise straight hair had wavy curls in it that cascaded down her back. Her ensemble was completed with gold jewelry and Loki knew that the colors she was wearing tonight were chosen for him.

He took her over from her escort and pulled out a chair for the princess, while bestowing her with compliments about her looks. His parents looked upon them approvingly, but to Loki Odin's content smile was like a knife in the gut. He was sure the Allfather was just trying to get rid of him, by sending him off to another realm.

Lady Frigga was sitting on Loki's left side and Lady Loriana on his right. Across the table from them sat Thor and Lord Hergund, who were entertaining each other with tall tales. Even Odin joined in every now and then.

Loki couldn't help but notice the male Lightelf glancing in his direction every now and then and when he did, his gaze wasn't friendly. Loki, who was having a vivid conversation with the princess, didn't quite understand why Lord Hergund would disapprove of him talking to Lady Loriana. After all, the whole reason she was here was for them to get to know each other.

Thor was drinking ale in his usual fashion, keeping his squire busy by asking for refills at a steady pace. Lord Hergund wasn't nearly drinking as much, putting his hand over his tankard more than once when Thor's squire came to fill the mugs.

Behind Loki, Mirilya was standing by to keep their glasses filled. "More wine, my Lord?" she asked, as soon as his glass was empty.

"No, I'm not keeping my brother's pace, girl," Loki answered her, glancing over at his brother disapprovingly. It wouldn't be long before his brother would be in his cups, coronation or no coronation tomorrow. "Just keep me at your Lady's pace, that should be fine," Loki gestured to the glass of the princess, that was still half full of red wine.

Mirilya chuckled. "I believe that would leave you quite thirsty, my Lord. My Lady can easily nurse one glass of wine for a whole evening."

"In that case, fill me up." Loki held up his glass for her to refill. He needed some alcohol if he was to keep up this friendly facade for the entire evening. Lady Loriana was pleasant company and it wasn't hard to talk to her, but Loki wasn't interested in her. She was actually quite boring, she was so polished and neat, there wasn't an edge about her at all. He could not imagine ever falling for her.

Because his mother and the princess were deep in conversation, with Loki seated in the middle, he stood up to switch places with the princess. Never interrupting their talk, the women babbled on while Loki pushed Lady Loriana's chair in. When he took a step back, glad to be standing up after sitting a whole evening, he bumped into his handmaiden. She had filled up the glasses of the noblemen sitting next to him at the table and had just turned back to put the pitcher of wine back on the side table. His hands flew up to steady her by her arms, however, he couldn't prevent that she spilled wine over her hands.

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