Her weakened knees gave way as her arms let go of the sink before finding their way to her eyes. She tried to not create so much noise, but it came out with a loud sob. It was all Asriel needed before he rushed over and pulled her in for a hug. She muffled her crying into the fabric of his sweater. He did his best to try and calm her down. He pat her back and combed her hair as he whispered comforting words to her.

"It's okay, Chara. It's okay. Frisk's not here. She can't get us here. I'm right here. Everything's okay"

She soon finally calmed herself. She gazed into her brother's eyes as he wiped off her tears. Taking a deep breath, she regained her voice.

"I have to go back"

He was unsure of that. She hadn't uttered a word since her return from being a living statue and that was the first thing she said. He was worried and scared, but her gentle smile assured him it was going to be alright.

One day, Toriel came by to visit. She and Sans were in the living room when they heard the pitter-patter of feet coming from the stairs. They both tensed when a familiar voice spoke up.


Asriel was walking over to them and in his arms was Chara. He looked the same as he always was, giving off that same kind smile and green eyes of life and love. Chara was cradled closely to her brother, wrapping her arms around his neck to keep herself from falling. She managed to glance enough at them and smiled weakly.

"Chara? Asriel?" Toriel stared in disbelief, tears streaming from her eyes.

"Hey, mom" Asriel smiled with Chara.

"Oh, my children! My dear, sweet children! You're both here!" she rushed over and didn't waste a second to wrap her arms around them and hold them as if they were to disappear again. Sans was a little nervous, but knew they knew what they were doing.

Toriel then pulled away before noticing Chara's current condition. She picked up her daughter from her son and checked for what happened to her legs. She fretted over her before Chara finally spoke up.

"I'm okay, mom" she then made a gesture to Sans.

He nodded. "I wanted to tell you myself. Found Chara during the Prom but she was a little scared and she didn't want to see Frisk for a while so I brought her here. Asriel came around soon after"

She nodded before thanking him.

"Ready to go home, kiddos?" he asked.

Chara nodded, a little hesitant.

Asriel then fumbled with his sweater. "Do I still have to sleep in a pot?"


They brought the brother-sister duo home after that. Everyone was so happy to see them come back. They were welcomed with open arms. Frisk was overjoyed to see Chara again, as well as Asriel. Yet, she saw the fear in her eyes and decided to give her some space for now, especially with how Asriel looked at her.

Chara needed help with walking for the moment so it was either the Human Souls, Toriel, or Asriel that helped her. Though, it seems the brother was being a little over-protective and would rather carry her rather than just help her walk. But when they were alone, he'd help her all the way. It wasn't long before she walked normally again.

The goat boy had to sleep in a spare bed until they got him a new room. When he moved out, Chara took the spare bed. Frisk was fine with it. She knew she was still a little scared so she let her be. It was a relief to see she respected it.

One day, she knocked on the door, nearly startling Chara inside. She let her in.

"So, I've got some great news" Frisk told her. Chara didn't seem to look eye-to-eye to her for now. She took a deep breath before announcing. "Aida is coming back today!"

The half-demon looked up to her. For the first time, those ruby eyes showed a sense of hope. "She...she is?"

She nodded. "Yeah, Alphys said she's all fixed up now. She's coming over tonight"

"Well, it is. It is great news"

She smiled. "She'll be here by five!"

Frisk had been going over to see Aida for a while now. She knew Chara worried about her at times. It was alright now. She was right. Aida only meant well, the least she could do was help her feel emotions like the human body she was shaped into. When the time came, a group of four arrived.

She looked just as she did before, albeit a bit taller, and able to stand again. Alphys was holding her hand like a mother would to her child as Undyne and Mettaton trailed close by. She then reluctantly let go as the robot walked a bit of a distance.

"Hello, everyone" she spoke, her voice all fixed up. "I'm sorry to have worried you all"

The kids were all just happy to see her gain, all greeting an enthusiastic 'welcome back'. Chara was happy to see that she was alright now, before giving Frisk a small kiss on the cheek and whispering a small 'thank you'. Beside them, Asriel was staring, eyes agape.

It wasn't long before Aida walked up to them. She gave a small nod to Frisk before turning back to Chara. "How have you been?"

"Oh, I'm fine" she assured her.

"I'm happy to hear so. I was worried in case you may have been hurt these past few weeks, or worse. Alphys visited me every day and told me what she knew. I was scared when I heard you suddenly disappeared"she looked down in fear that the memory.

"Well, everything's fine now. See? I'm right here" She waved her arms infront for assurance, in case the android didn't fully get it.

She managed a small smile. "And I'm happy to know"

She walked to the kitchen when Alphys went there to discuss something with Mettaton about cameras and all that. Out of the corner of her eye, Asriel seemed to hesitate for a bit before following behind her. For Sans and Toriel, it was a new chapter for all of them. They didn't know where this would lead on, or if it will continue. But for now, they could all just enjoy this moment.

All of them.

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