Chapter 1

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Will woke up that morning, stretching his arms out as he sat up in the bed. He got off it opening the blinds, the hot Louisiana sun blinding his still sensitive eyes, then went to the bathroom. He put on his clothes, & went down to a coffee shop that was near the hotel he stayed in for breakfast.

As he ate, someone tapped his shoulder. He turned around to see who it was, & he immediately recognized those honey eyes.

"Will? Will Graham?" The woman asked in her soothing, deep feminine voice.

"Beyoncé?" Will swallowed, blinking to make sure she wasn't a figment of his imagination. His heart already pounding, his hands shaking as he felt like a teenager all over again.

"Oh my god" She smiled "It is you" She hugged him" Boy, I thought I was crazy for a second there"

"What are you doing here?" Will asked, then mentally slapped himself for asking such a dumb question.

"Oh I'm here having breakfast with Blue, & Shawn "She smiled pointing at her table. Will turned to see a little girl, & her father sitting eating. His heart sank a bit." But that's a question I should be asking you?"

"I'm here investigating some murders going on" Will swallowed.

"Oh right, I forgot you're Homicide" Beyoncé nodded.

"FBI actually, special agent" Will corrected her.

"Is that so?" She asked.

"Yup" Will nodded. He felt even more nervous when she eyed him for a bit.

"Come on, let me introduce you to my family" She took his hand in her's. Will cringed because his palms were sweaty, but she didn't seem to notice. She dragged him to the table where her husband & daughter sat.

"Will, this is Shawn my husband" She introduced & Shawn got up. He was much taller than Will. He put out his hand giving him a brief hand shake "Shawn, Will is an old friend of mine"

"Nice to meet you" Shawn said, but was obviously unimpressed.

"& this is Blue Blue, my baby" She pointed at her daughter, who was a spitting image of her father.

"Hi Will" She smiled at him, making Will smile back.

"So Will, what do you do?" Shawn asked him.

"I'm FBI" Will replied.

"So you're a cop?" Shawn's sucked on his teeth as he eyed him.

"Special Agent" Will corrected.

"So a cop?" Shawn repeated & Beyoncé glared at him.

"Mommy can we go home?" Blue asked, breaking the tension.

"Sure baby girl" Beyoncé said then signaled for a waiter to get the check "Why don't you join us for dinner Will?" She turned to Will asking "I'm sure mama would like to see you"

"Tonight?" Will swallowed.

"Mhmm" She nodded,& she could see from the corner of her eye Shawn narrowing his.

"Great" Will cleared his throat. A few seconds passed & Beyoncé was still standing there.

"Do you need my number?" She asked.

"What for?" Will asked.

"So I can send you mama's address" She replied "She moved houses"

"I think that sounds like a smart idea" Will responded.

"Alright" Beyoncé said "Give me your phone, so I can send it" She stuck out her manicured hand. Will took his phone out of his pocket, unlocking it for her. She took it from her & punched in her number then called it. With her other phone, she declined the call. She then texted her mother's address.

"Did you get it?" She asked him.

"Yeah" Will nodded, looking down at the notification on his phone.

"Great" She smiled "I'll see you tonight"

"Bye" Will said.

"Bye" She said before quickly turning around to catch up with Shawn, & Blue who were on their way out after Shawn picked up the tab while she was busy talking to Will. Will looked down at his phone, & there was a text from Jack telling him to call him.

"Hate to interrupt" Will spoke, making Beyoncé stop what she was saying "But my Boss wants me to call him, work stuff"

"Oh sure, of course" Beyoncé nodded with a smile, showing off pearly whites underneath full lips. Then Shawn motioned for her to follow him & Blue as they left.

"I guess I gotta leave" She smiled "Goodbye Will" She said as she walked away, waving back at him. Will watched her as she made her way out the door before turning his attention back at his phone, dialing Jack's number.

"Hello Will" Crawford said.

"Jack" Will responded.

"There's been another body" Jack said, cutting to the chase & not bothering with formalities.

"When?" Will asked.

"Parish PD was contacted early this morning, we got the call an hour ago"

"I'll be right there "Will sighed,& Jack responded by giving him the address.

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