"You two make a cute couple." The lady complimented as he gave the two male their takoyaki. Mingyu blushed at the remark while Wonwoo simply thanked the lady. Nevertheless, the compliment didn't change the atmosphere between the two. Mingyu found them a seat while Wonwoo went to the stall that sells chicken wings. Wonwoo also bought the two of them some drink.

"Took you long enough." Mingyu exclaimed when Wonwoo came 20 minutes later with the food. He placed it on the table and Mingyu's mouth starts to water. He has finished all the takoyaki and he's more hungry than ever. They started eating the chicken, making sure to finish everything. Everything was emptied out and Mingyu is now craving for desserts. Luckily, Mingyu already ordered two cheesecakes while Wonwoo was away. It arrived right after they finished eating and this time, Mingyu paid for it. "Now we're even." Mingyu said as he stick his tongue out. By the time they finished the dessert, they were both full. The food they tasted were definitely delicious and they knew that they have to come back soon.

"You know, now that I think of it, our friendship only revolves around food." Wonwoo said as they exit the food park."That's because you kept on eating!" Mingyu joked. Wonwoo let out a fake sob and Mingyu fake comforted him. They decided to take the long way home, hoping they could admire the midnight surroundings while they're at it.

The two walked in silence, only speaking when they noticed something or they have something in mind. It wasn't a busy street but there are cars passing by. One moment, they were walking by the sidewalk when a car dashed by the side with a loud honk. It scared Mingyu and Wonwoo got pissed at the reckless driving of the driver. Wonwoo wanted to confront the driver but Mingyu stopped him to prevent any casualties. All of the sudden, Wonwoo pulled Mingyu towards his other side so that he was in the inside.

"It's dangerous so walk on the inside." Wonwoo said, leaving Mingyu into a blushing mess. Mingyu doesn't know what to say so he just kept his mouth shut, his heart speaking for itself. Wonwoo felt the need to protect Mingyu after what happened. If such thing ever happens again, he knew that he would have to confront them, even if Mingyu stops him.

Wonwoo walked Mingyu back to his place. Mingyu protested but Wonwoo insisted on bringing him home after the incident happened. Even so, Mingyu thanked Wonwoo for today and promised to see him soon. Once Mingyu was out of sight, Wonwoo walked back to his place.

Wonwoo entered his house and hurriedly placed himself by the couch to take a small rest. It was only then when his feet started to hurt because of their stroll. Wonwoo self noted to exercise more so that he won't get tired easily. He stood up after, cleaning himself and changing into his sleeping wear. He lay down in his bed and closed his eyes but much to his dismay, he couldn't fall asleep. He remembered the memories he shared with Mingyu and how fun those memories was. There was the time when Wonwoo was walking along a narrow path, talking about how he got his job at the 17Carat bookstore. Wonwoo lost his balance and was about to fall but Mingyu catched him. Wonwoo was shocked by what he did but he shrugged it off and continued rambling. Those are one of the momemts Wonwoo truly treasured. Mingyu couldn't leave Wonwoo's mind so Wonwoo decided to text the other.


'Hey, you awake?'




'Why? Not tired yet?'


'Thoughts :/'


'Hmm, I see'

Wonwoo was unsure of what to reply.


'I can't sleep bc of the nap I took earlier'


'Your fault you slept throughout the movie'


'I got sleepy'


'You should go to sleep, you must be tired'


'Not until you sleep first'


'Whatever floats your boat Wonwoo but i don't think I'll be sleeping soon'

It was around this time of the day when Wonwoo's crazy ideas gets to him. He wasn't sleepy and so was Mingyu. He grab his jacket and change into a pair of jeans before heading out the house once again. He walk towards the direction of Mingyu's place. He wasn't sure why he wanted to visit him but he knew he want to see the boy even if they're just together a few hours ago.


'You sleep already?'


'I guess you are, good night Wonwoo'


'Open up the door, i'm outside'

Mingyu jumped out the bed once he read the message. Everyone was asleep so he quietly walked through the living room and to the door. He peek at the hole to make sure that Wonwoo wasn't lying but he's there, outside Mingyu's door, waiting for him to open it. Mingyu opened the door halfway enough just so Wonwoo could see his face. "What are you doing here?" Mingyu asked, more like whispered. "We both can't sleep right?" Wonwoo shrugged. Mingyu was supposed to let Wonwoo in not until he realized that he is shirtless. "Give me a second," Mingyu shut the door and quietly ran to his room to put on a shirt. He went back to the door and let Wonwoo in. They went to Mingyu's room, stopping halfway in the livinroom because Wonwoo laughed at the way Jun cuddle Minghao in the living room couch. They both sat on the bed, waiting for each other to speak a word.

"Don't do that again, I didn't prepare anything." Mingyu scolded. Wonwoo reminded Mingyu that he came for his presence and not for the food that made Mingyu blush again. They talked about anything there is to talk about. From Jun and Minghao's growing relationship to Mingyu's strict professors. They talked so much that they didn't realized that it was already 2:30pm. Wonwoo then decided to go home but Mingyu stopped him since it was already so late. "You could sleep here in the bed and I'll sleep on the floor." Mingyu suggested to which Wonwoo strongly disagreed to. "You sleep on the bed while I sleep on the floor." Wonwoo said. They bickered for a bit more, until they both decided to just sleep in the bed. They kept their distance, leaving the biggest space they can make in the middle.

"Goodnight Mingyu,"

"Goodnight Wonwoo."

The two woke up the next day with their arm and legs dangled around each other. They were almost cuddling and they both can't deny that it was comfortable. They stayed for a while, aware of the presence of the other, just enjoying the warm each of their bodies give. It wasn't until the alarm on Mingyu's phone went off that the two decided to separate.

"Good morning," they both greeted in unison. They both went out the room and was greeted by a  grinning Minghao and Jun. They had their phones up showing a picture of the two sleeping. Wonwoo just rolled his eyes but Mingyu took the effort to chase Minghao across the room just to get a hold of the picture. When he wasn't able to do so, he just teased the two for their noisy sex every night.

"Don't change the topic on us! You look cute together!" Minghao cooed. When Wonwoo saw the picture Minghao took, he couldn't help but to agree.

'We do look cute together,' both Wonwoo and Mingyu thought.

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