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° Hold on boy,
Don't ever fall for someone else
I'll get jealous. Hold on boy,
From now on, I'll call you mine
I may be shy but i'm very careful
From now on, look at me my baby, °

Months were spent with Mingyu coming by often to Wonwoo's place just to study or to watch a movie. Mingyu got tired of studying at 17Carat that's why Wonwoo would often let him study at his place since he's living alone. Most of the time, they would just spend their days together watching or talking until they ran out of things to talk about. They would often agree on what romance film they wanted to watch but Mingyu would always protest when Wonwoo insisted to watch a horror film. Their small bickering has turned out to be the thing of the two, whether it's about picking an outfit or choosing what food to eat. They agreed only on a few things. When their friends pointed out their non-stop bickering, they would always say that this have made their bond tighter which is, in some ways, true. Wonwoo knew that there are more than just their playful fights that made their friendship unexpectedly work. It might be their care for each other or simply Mingyu's cooking that made the latter stay.

"Mingyu! Where are you?" Wonwoo shouted in the middle of a grassy field. He was doning a casual outfit, not having an idea of how he got there. What he knew is that he's waiting for Mingyu. He kept on calling out his name until he felt a pair of arms wraped around his torso from behind. He looked back to see Mingyu with a giddy smile, giving Wonwoo a back hug.

"Hey," Mingyu simply greeted. Wonwoo suddenly forgot how to speak as he heard Mingyu spoke to him in a lovely tone. His voice felt like music to Wonwoo's ears. They stayed there for a while, letting the cool breeze hit their face, until Mingyu detached himself from Wonwoo, much to his dismay. Mingyu grabbed Wonwoo's hand as he ran in the field, pulling Wonwoo along. They ended up in an area where a picnic for two was set up. Mingyu took a seat to which Wonwoo followed. Mingyu took out the food he prepared and placed it in front of them. Wonwoo loves tasting Mingyu's food.

"This looks so delicious." Wonwoo complimented. Mingyu gave the other a smile and insisted on tasting the dish. Wonwoo took a spoonful of the food, not even surprise anymore that it tastes so good. "You like it?" Mingyu asked with sparkling eyes. Wonwoo gave him a nod as he munch on the food.

"I like you, Mingyu." Wonwoo confessed out of the blue. He just wanted to let it all out. Mingyu was lost for words but was soon to recover and was able to think of a reply.

"I–" Wonwoo was anticipating for Mingyu's reply but it never came. Instead, Mingyu repeated his words again and again like a broken CD.

Wonwoo's eyes fluttered open as the voice turned out to be his alarm going off. He let out a sigh for having to dream of Mingyu again. It has been a routine of his to wake up from a dream with Mingyu. Womwoo is aware of his growing feelings with Mingyu. Every time spent with Mingyu felt like a lifetime for him. Mingyu's mysterious eyes always have so much stories to tell and the way he spend his time with Wonwoo is like nothing that can compare. Wonwoo rose up from his bed and went directly to the bathroom to fix himself. Once done, he went down to the kitchen to have his breakfast as he watch the morning news. Wonwoo doesn't have any work today so he just spent the rest of his time watching TV.

Around 2 in the afternoon, someone rang the doorbell. Wonwoo opened the door to see Mingyu standing in the doorway. He let him in and Mingyu seated himself at the couch, already feeling at home.

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