Chapter 1

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"hi I'm Uliza, and I can time travel." 

"now you may be thinking 'what do you mean you can time travel' well lemme tell you"

this is how I started my first ever camera motion picture... ok look I got this from the 21st century and I'm from the 1930s. Now The question ' wait you're in a great depression how did you make a time machine. Well, I ended up finishing it in the Roaring 20s so there's your answer, plus my family are all scientists and had our own safe so we never really needed to use a bank so we were ok. 

"Ever since I was about 5 or 6 I've just been fascinated by the past and what it will be like in the future. and when I say past I don't mean like fixing a mistake because if that's all I wanted there wouldn't really be any point in life now would there."

"anyway, where was I... Oh, yea the time machine well obviously it took a while I started around the age of 8 maybe 9 and right now I am 22."

ok so obviously I had to have help I didn't just go on a whim and make it by myself I just didn't really want to say anything about the two people who helped make the machine, I am the only one living anyway. The two people who helped were my nana and my sister, Amaia. So, to make this quick and easy my nana died from liver cancer and Amaia died, well she committed her own death. 

You might be wondering why I haven't saved her. I couldn't go into the future anymore because once I went to get the recorder that I was using something happened to make the T.M. to not go into the future so I can't go into the future. And there's... well look, see my sister left to go to england but when she left she gave me a letter 

"vie?" Amaia asked 

"Yea what is it" at this I was distracted with the machine 

"I'm going to england for some important science stuff." my sister said this like a little child would when they didn't know how to explain something 

" I want you to read this in 3 days" she held up her hand to emphasize her point

"Ok sure" 

she said goodbye to all of us when she left I swear she started to cry. Now in those three days, Of course, I was being my Impaintent self and read it a day early, and let me tell you I wish I didn't even read it.

I love you so much and you need to know this no I didn't ever go to England I'm going to Detroit I'm not going to come back home...

Now when this is the first sentence you get from you big sister only a few years after losing one of your favorite people in the world you get worried which obviously was how I needed to react. well, you know what happened.

"I realize your probably wondering how I made this said machine, well I cant say in this recording but I am trying to make more about how I made the machine."

Yea never got to do that 

"Bye!" I ended the recording and fell back onto my bed 

"what now," I thought out loud 

"why not use that machine of yours" the voice was deep and sounded like the person had been coughing for weeks, but before I could even think about sitting up a bag was over my head and I was being carried out of the room and onto what seemed to be a metal surface.

*A/N - Hi ok so this is my first time ever actually making an official story that I want to go on with and also my first ever story that I want to publish so if you're even reading this thank you and I hope you like the story so far!!!

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⏰ Last updated: May 05, 2018 ⏰

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