Sample of Death-Briner's Heart Book 1

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She isn't nick named Wild Cat for nothing.

A young women's world is about to turn upside down. Angel wild Amber was a name given to her because of her mothers love of celestial beings and Safari things. Nick named "Wild Cat" by her older sister Cleopatra, Cleo for short, because of he fun-loving, animal loving wild side. Her down hill journey begins with a encounter with a "plae lady in white and her hauntingly friendly dog Ceberus." The beautiful "Pale Lady" gave her a exotic flower that never dies or gives off a scent except once, and a pendent left unnoticed by it past owner on the ground. A crimson bell. with a inscrptiure on the inside. Mysterious to our little Wild cat because it never makes a sound. That marks the begining of a long and dangerous but rght and true path, that will prove to the world and herself what our little Wild Cat is truly made of.


It was Lady Elegances daughter, the baby girl she gave her life to protect. And instead she knew by trying to save her she had only made it worse. Lady Elegances throat was released and she was able to speak.

"My little Sunshine Butterfly grew up."

Lady Elegance choked on more tears and dropped from the perch she had been stuck to.

"Momma, is that really you? I missed you so much!"

Lady Elegance’s daughter shakily got up and started to walk to her mother. Her daughter got about halfway before she dropped to her knees crying and smiling.

Something wasn’t right. Before her mother could get to her, everything faded black, then flashed white.


"Ceberus, is that you?" The dog walked forward to stand in front of me. I stuck my hand out, and saw the new ‘scar’, an ivy vined Celtic winged wolf in an ivy wrapped circle on my hand was glowing with an inner black-purple light. My glowing hand was shaking as the dog step forward and placed his head under my hand. I gasped as the ‘scar’ expanded to cover my body, glowing brighter. I felt a rumble under my hand and looked down. The dog was looking up at me with black-purple eyes that glowed like my ‘scar’. I looked into them for a minute and started to feel dizzy. Another minute and I felt my eyes close and my legs collapse.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 12, 2012 ⏰

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