Play Dirty | Prologue

Start from the beginning

I glanced around, noticing a large crowd around one female who was currently drinking in the attention. I recognized her as one of the descendants long down the line from Harry Potter, who had passed not long ago. The Potters had a huge record at school, no matter how far down the line they got. I watched, heading over to the train, as her orange hair whipped along with her face to look at all the different students surrounding her. I wondered what it must be like to be that popular with such ease, but I let that thought go as I stepped onto the train. It was newer, but still had pods for 4 which meant I had to sit next to 3 others.

I glanced down the train, seeing no one I knew in this car besides an extremely tall half Galra half Altean boy named Lotor. I knew his dad worked at the Ministry and they were both ruthless, not to mention the negative stigma against the Galra and halfbreeds was definitely a setback for him. I slowed and he made eye contact with me, his stare icy. Our parents were definitely at odds a lot of the time.

I passed, crossing to the next car. This time I noticed big curls of white hair, the top half braided back elegantly, small elf like ears peeking out. The seat next to her was open. That girl was Allura for sure. I knew her mother and father were of Altean descent, giving her the elfish ears and beautiful blue marks on her cheeks that she seemed to work so well. Her father was a teacher here for the Care of Magical Creatures course which I was excited to take in the future. Like her mom, Allura was a definite Ravenclaw, and someone I've talked to before so she seemed to be my best option of a seat partner. Allura was the type to make friends with everyone and was happy most of the time. She was delicate but fierce and has wanted the attention of a year 3 by the name of Takashi for as long as I could remember. Of course everyone called him Shiro from his last name and everyone absolutely adored him, Allura especially.

I could see her face scrunched up at something the 2 boys across from her were discussing. I had never seen the 2 before, along with most of the people on this train. Allura spotted me and I could see her breathe a small sigh of relief which made me giggle. She waved me over, the two boys stopping to turn to see who had caught her attention.

"(Y/n)!" She called.

"Hey Allura!" I called back, giving a low and awkward wave with my suitcase still in hand. I hurried over and put my suitcases in the compartment above. I glanced down and noticed the skinnier of the two staring at the skin underneath my tank top that was now showing with my arms up. Great. Preteen boy. I could feel my eyes roll back and Allura let me slide into the inside seat. She smiled.

"I haven't seen you in forever!! How are you?" She asked.

"I'm good! You?"

"Excited to see Shiro," she said, bouncing in her seat slightly, I smiled, shoving her lightly, "oh and (y/n), this is Hunk and this is Lance."

"Hi!" I greeted. I held out a hand to Hunk first, his large hand causing mine to disappear. He had a cute rounded nose and rosy cheeks, complimented with a smile. He seemed to radiate happy vibes from the color of his clothes and his aura. There was no doubt he was Hufflepuff. I went Lance next who was much more slender, his chin pointed and ocean blue eyes paired with tanned skin. He was actually rather scrawny. He had such sharp and distinguishable features considering how young he was. I figured he was from some sort of Spanish speaking country with the way he looked, but I wasn't sure.

"Hola bonita," he greeted and my face went red.

Hey beautiful.

My suspicions were correct. His hands were definitely smaller than Hunk's and he gave me bad vibes. I expected him to have this opposing soft side to him, but there was only a hard exterior inside and out. He seemed almost like he was trying to beat me at something I wasn't even playing at. Too much of a flirt, and I could already tell he wasn't acting like his normal self like he would with friends.

Game On | Lance x Reader(Harry Potter AU)Where stories live. Discover now