The Ninja 6

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After I let go of his body I felt someone pull me down, I grasped for Takuto’s hand but I missed. “Mitsuki what are you doing here?” Goemon said making me hit him. I fell to the ground on my feet and ran to the estate with Takuto following in the shadows.

I ran into my room slaming the door behind me. “Daughter what is wrong with you?”

“Don’t give me that ‘daughter’ shit when I want to know why is Goemon still following me?” I said straight in his face, “I thought you trusted me!”

“I do…”

“If you do then I would be able to go freely anywhere alone without being followed by him!” I yelled into his face making Ruka wake up.

“Mitsuki what’s wrong?” Ruka came into my room with Lord Night claw right behind him. No.

“So you are Mitsuki, you were a spy from here! Men take her to prison imidiately!” Night claw’s soldiers put chains on me and Ruka as they took me outside and into the city. I saw Takuto hiding in the trees keeping his eye on me at all times. “Takuto, Mitsukuni.”

“Yes sir,” they appeared before Night claw keeping their heads at the ground.

“Watch these two and make sure they don’t escape. Do you understand?”

“Yes sir.” We walked more until we reached the gates to the city and that was where Ruka had vanished with Mitsukuni. I walked farther until they pushed me to a lake only letting me get water from my mouth. Once they let us sleep we were at the mountain where I last saw Takuto with two eyes.

“Let me loosen those for you,” I pulled my hands away from him. “Why not?”        

“Because you work for him! We can’t be together if you work for him, it’s not possible.” I sobbed letting the tears flow down my face. I know it hurt him but it hurt me more. He wipped one of my tears away and wrapped his arms around me.

“You don’t have to cry for this, Come on Mitsuki don’t cry.”

“Why can’t I cry?”

“Because every time someone beautiful cries they become more of an angel and when their tears dry out their wings will appear and they will go with the god of beauty.” I smiled and let him untie the rope on my wrists. Damn I feel like a disgrace to girls because they always win to arguments.

He brushed one of my bangs away and leaned in, “Hey Takuto let’s go!” DAMN IT! We seperated to see Mitsukuni with Ruka in white hayori.

“What the hell do you want Mitsukuni didn’t you see I was busy?”

“Yeah we saw, but he’s coming for them.”


Great her father is coming to look for her. I picked her up bridal style and jumped away from the camp site as Takuto had Ruka with him. We hid in the trees as the soldiers came by. Just as they came they left. We walked to the Sage village seeing only peasents were awake. We rushed into our apartment and locked the doors. “What are we going to do with them?”

“We take them to the mountains to Kyoto.”


“Yes, go change you won’t climb rocks with that on.” she grinned and took off the kimono, “Maybe not, then let’s go.” I grabbed a sword and began to walk out with Mitsuki, for some reason she can’t figure out if I’m Takuto or not, “Mitsuki,”

“Yes,” I pinned her to the wall and kissed her.

Once I got off of her she found out she was walking with me, “I always wanted to do that after the first time I met,” why am I doing this? Do I have feelings for her?

“Mitsuki! There you are for some reason Ruka thought I was you Mitsukuni.” I looked at my one eyed brother. Damn him all he does is act like that copy ninja we always here about when we were little.

I took Ruka with me and walked higher up the mountain until we reached a spring that I always took Takuto when he was in trouble or when dad was drunk. I sat on a large boulder as he dove into the water. I looked at the reflection of myself in the water and remembered that me and Takuto were the best of friends before Mitsuki.

“Mitsukuni why are you so quiet?”

“No reason,”

“Really it looks like you like her?”

“I don’t!” I raised my voice making him slip on a wet rock. I saw red liquid come up and I jumped down to the water to grab him.

“Mitsukuni what happened to Ruka?” I turned around and saw Mitsuki with Takuto. Crap; we have two lovers with us a set of twins that might fight for the only and now a kid that is covered in blood! Kami help us now.

The Ninja [Watty Awards 2012]Место, где живут истории. Откройте их для себя