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Am I not important to you?

Whenever we passed by each other, did you even bother looking into my eyes?

Even for a second?

Were you too distracted by other people's beauty I became invincible?

Did you ever think that I never get hurt at your piercing glances? Did you think that i was just some trash to you? Did you only come to me whenever you're lonely?

Oh, wait. You wouldnt even look at me.

Am I that small in your heart? Do you even have a heart to begin with?

Probably not. That's why you can't afford to get good people by your side.

You've made me realise how much people with so-called 'high standards' like you wouldn't even care about people like me just because I'm not pretty or handsome or perfect enough.

Depression, my ass.

You haven't even tried to hate yourself.

Why did I even think ever so nicely about you?

It makes me weak.

Worthless [Me]Where stories live. Discover now