Author's Note

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Hey everyone. We are so so sorry for how long it's taken us to update this story. Writer's block is real, people. And it sucks. Shelby and I are currently looking to hire new muses since it appears both of ours have apparently taken a vacation together without notice.  With that being said, this update comes with a little news. We are officially on a hiatus while we both work on the final battle and make a few changes involving the rest of this story. There are a lot of huge things coming up and we both felt that spending as much time as we can on it will help give you all the best chapters we can possibility provide!  We have also taken on two incredible beta readers who have offered their time to help us perfect this story. My friend Tawny has gone back to chapter 1 through 19 and updated each one with new revised, fully edited documents. So if you all happen to go back and reread the story, you may find a few new changes that are meant to be there. They aren't major changes, so those of you who have already read them don't need to go back and reread to understand the rest of the story. We just felt like the story needed some spousing up.  We also took on my girl Grace ( @teresaSortiz ) who will be working alongside Tawny, taking turns on chapters, as we move forward with this story. Our beta readers have definitely been beneficial. We've learned a lot and can't wait to share the rest of this story with you all once we perfect it and give it the ending it (And all of you) deserve.  But don't worry, we WILL be back! And we hope you all continue to be just as excited as we are for Anna's story to unfold.  We'll see you all soon.

AmeliaWhere stories live. Discover now