The Distress Call outta Nowhere

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Jim Kirk entered the Office of Viceadmiral Caroline Smith, cause the Starbase recived a Federation Distress Call from the depths of space.
"Captain Kirk. Take a Seat"
"Thank you, Admiral"
"So, we revived an Emergecy Call. Federation Decodation. From which ship, or from which coordinats it was sended, we don't know. But because its Federation origin, we need to know why. Why a distress Call, expecially from there. There's no ship flyin' 'round there. So, you got the Orders, and i repeat the Commodore, you need to geht your ass in this unknown regions."

"Captains Log, Stardate 2260.110. We were leaving Spacedock just in time, Mr. Scott fixed our hullbreach and now we are with full warp power to the origin of the distress Call. Kirk out."

The Enterprise flew deeper in unknown space. Sometimes the Bussard Collectors were the only light in the nebulas, starless nirvanas and the depth of the universe. After a 3 days journey through those Regions ( the Enterprise Crew called them the Badlands) they recived an signal on their scanners.
"Mr. Chekov, from where came it?"
The Navigator answered:" From an unidentified planet, 2 Lightyears ahead. But there is a nebula between us and the planet."
"Can we go through this with warp Speed?", the Captain asked.
" We could, but i can't promise you that the Warpfield would be stabile in there."
"Understood. Mr. Sulu, set a course!",
the Captain ordered.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 05, 2018 ⏰

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