Chapter 9

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Since arriving a week ago I have settled into a peaceful routine waking up and going to work at the new club house set up then coming home to bed where I would fall into my nightmares. I worked behind the bar at the club house. it was perfect, no one saw my tail and I got to socialize a lot more. I even made a few friends named Creek, Pink and Pastel.  creek and pink were canine but pastel was feline like me. They often came over for sleepovers like tonight.

I smiled as I fluffed the pillows on the floor since the bed was to small we took to the floor in the living room, it was fun We played games and joked around And once we even roasted marshmallows through the fire place however that didn't really end well considering we ended up having to cut marshmallow out of our hair by the end of the night I shuddered, never again.

For the first week of living at reservation I had stayed at the appartement building but after a while I was given permission to move into a small two story cottage in the wild zone with pretty white pillars framing it and a stone path leading up too it. The house contained two bedrooms two bathrooms and a kitchen full of cabinet space along with a cozy dinning room that connected to a simplistic living room with a fireplace. It was nearer to the back of the wild zone by a river. I loved how at night it wasn't quiet the house was encompassed with a symphony of sounds from frogs to grasshoppers. The sound was very welcome since prolonged silence lead to memories and not the good ones.

Shaking myself out of those thoughts I remembered my training with moons mate joy she visited me when I first arrived and since then we have been friends she isn't like master she is kind and helps keep what they call "PTSD" and "anxiety" at bay.

The doorbell ring echos through my space and I wince still not liking the sound. Steeling myself I opened the door to the onslaught of my friends affection they greeted me chatting about nonsense I laugh to because that's what is asked of me  in society, stay happy and no one will worry, present a strong put together front and never cry. I repeated this to my self at night when I was to breaking down after my night terrors. Because no matter how much I have changed over the span of my freedom I will always carry memories and shame for what was done to me.

I snapped out of my thoughts when pink snapped in my face
"Earth to will, HELLO, will"
I looked at her sheepishly muttering a "sorry"  breaking the silence creek yelled "time for popcorn!!!!" "I'll grab the movie" pastel smiled excitedly

Walking over I sat on my couch my butt seemed to be eaten by the cushion, making my tail uncomfortable I repositioned myself as to not trap it between my body and the back of the couch. Chairs were not designed to accommodate a tail like mine, nothing was, it was unnatural. I smiled remembering back too when I was called to Bestiales office to discus paperwork.

He opened the door with a natural grin plastered on his face i could tell it was easy for him to maintain that face he didn't have to practice in the mirror. Mimicking him to a tee we exchanged pleasantries walking into his office he closed the door as I sat down infront of his dark mahogany desk looking around the room, his office was simply decorated with minimalistic pictures on the wall. his desk was littered with papers and he looked a bit sheepish noticing my gaze though I couldn't understand why. Sitting down he cleared his throat "I called you here because I wanted to discus you picking a name, now I know it's a hard discussion but it has to be made and I need one if I am going to fill out paper work for your residency in the apartment building not to mention other paper work you don't have to worry about" he smiled gently and I couldn't help but feel bad I hadn't thought of a name but one suddenly popped into my mind and I said it before I could stop myself "Willow" and before I could take it back he had written it down and looked so thrilled that I didn't think I could take it back! So I kept quiet and let myself be branded with a new title one that wouldn't meet my ears with a sneer or disgust or cause shame and embarrassment to fill me.

Leaning back I let the cool lether of the couch bring me back from my thoughts. I noticed the females had put on the movie about the fish who had to find his son. I had watched it previously and liked the little turtles in it. One day I wished to see water like the ocean or a lake.

Pastel plopped down beside me smiling from ear to ear it was almost conspiratorial. And some how out of a sort of 6th sense I new it was about the stranger in my old apartment hall. I had only told pastel about the encounter. I was too embarrassed to share with the others, Pink was a shameless gossiper and creek would be indifferent to the small encounter so I only told pastel.
She leaned closer to me whispering when the microwave started piping loudly " guess who I saw half naked by the river near your house driving over" I didn't need to ask my cheeks turning rosy uggghhhh!
"I met him once and it wasn't a big deal!" She snorted "ya sure, meeting another tailed friend who happened to be super hot and practically NAMED you is no big deal" she said this all way to over dramatically and roped it off with an eye roll.

Hitting her on the shoulder pink walked back into the room and sat infront of me on a pillow leaning back she pressed play on the movie after giving us a weird look as to question our sanity. Creek joined soon after with four bowls of popcorn one for each of us.

We watched the movie and the sequel then spent the night talking and laughing about our week. And it was night like these where I clutched onto every second not wanting to waste one because in these moments I felt myself glue pieces of my wrecked soul back together again.

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⏰ Last updated: Jul 30, 2018 ⏰

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