Ch.6 For The Birds

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A horrible journey is up and coming
Just because we help our friends by running

If you have ever wondered what its like to be trapped in a giant salmon. Let me tell ya, it was the most uncomfortable experience of my life. I  was sweaty and hot and unable to move. The air was stuffy and I could tell we were driving somewhere because of all the bumping and the dirt that came in through the tiny air holes. I wonder how Duncan is doing in his part of the fish.

We have been on the road for hours now and I feel like I'm going to be sick. I'm dirty, smelly, sweaty, and very uncomfortable.  The only thing I could do was think of couplets to write down when I'm able to write again. It is very hard to concentrate on creating a couplet when your sweaty skin keeps sticking to a salmon.

I didn't realize I was crying until a tear slid down my jaw and fell on to my forearm. I need to get out! Now! I'm starting to feel clostrophoboc, it's getting hard to breath so I start to kick and scream begging somebody will open it up. Finally after what seems like hours, we are released from the fish and placed in a bird fountain in the middle of the night! I'm really starting to hate my life at the moment.
The good things about the bird fountain is that it is pretty cool in there, there is water from the fountain that we can drink, there is way more space in here, I can write couplets now, and most importantly, I am with Duncan. I know the Baudelaire's have to be close because where ever they go count Olaf is there as well and assuming Olaf won't  leave us in this fountain, he has found our friends once again. Hopefully, if they are captured, we will be able to outsmart them. But maybe with some luck, they can free us. But for that to even be an option, we need to find a way to communicate with Violet, Klaus, and Sunny.

I tried to think of a couplet about our situation when it hit me. I could write them couplets to alert them of where we are! I decide to talk to Duncan about my idea.

" We need to find a way to contact the Baudelaire children, I think that I should write a series of couplets with the first letter of each line to spell out "fountain"!"

"It's a good plan" Duncan said, " but how do you plan on getting it to them?" I shrugged solemnly, guess I didn't think it through completely. But Duncan continued "we could tie the couplets to a crow, they sit on the fountain in the early morning. We could rye it then. They have a weird cycle, I've been taking notes!"

"That's a wonderful idea" I praised, " I will get to work with my couplets, we have to make sure that if somebody finds them they won't think anything of it so we need to send them out one at a time" Duncan nodded in agreement. So I got to writing out the couplets,

For sapphires we are held in here
Only you can end our fear

Until dawn comes we cannot speak
No words from this sad beak

The first thing you read contains the clue
An initial way to speak to you

Inside these letters the eye will see
Nearby are your friends, and V.F.D.

I took my work and ripped off the first poem into a narrow strip and handed it to Duncan. He wrapped the paper around a nearby crows leg carefully. Then we waited. We did this for the next four days. Today, if the Baudelaires figured out what where we are, they should be letting us out today. We sat and waited not being able to hear anything except our heavy breathing. Suddenly, the front belly of the crow fountain opened and I did the first thing I thought of, I jumped off the fountain and ran to Klaus Baudelaire giving him a loving embrace.

"I missed you" I whispered in his ear. Our little reunion was cut short as an angry mob started to chase us. We ran away from the villagers hiding behind buildings until we came across a fire truck,

"GET IN" Violet bellowed. We all hopped on and Sunny took the wheel. I didn't know babies could drive. But I was euphoric about Sunny's ability to take the wheel. Overhead a balloon thing floated across they sky. With a person waving at us.

"Hector!" Klaus yelled, the balloon home stopped midair "have enough room for two extra passengers?" The man nodded and released a rope ladder. Sunny made the fire truck ladder extend so both of the ladders were almost touching. "You first." Klaus said as he helped me up the ladder. Duncan was following me up as we got to the top I stretched my arm out to grab the rope. When I am completely on the ladder I heard a loud pop and ladder dropped.

"AHH" I yelled. I heard someone yell my name. Don't look down. I thought. When I reached the top I looked down and saw Duncan  almost up when another loud pop filled the air. We dropped another couple feet. I yanked my brother up. We looked below us to see that Klaus and Sunny were about half way up the fire truck ladder when he turned to us and yelled,

"FLY HIGHER!" I knew what he was doing. He and his siblings were going to let us sail away from the treacherous troubles count On the surface when they stayed down there and tried to get away from Olaf. I couldn't bare it. Why was I so selfish, I should've let them up first. It should be me down there not them.

"NO! KLAUS!" I cried tears falling down my cheeks. The Baudelaire children were crying as well. I wrote down a little note in the center on one of the journals pages,

Baudelaires,You'll forever be in my heart
I absolutely hate it that Olaf kept us apart

"V.F.D. Everything you need to know are In these notebooks, we hope to see you again one day! Goodbye! We love you!" I yelled as I grabbed Duncan's green notebook and dropped it so our friends could catch them, but then I saw what made some of the balloons pop, Esmé was shooting at us with a harpoon, her arrow went right through both notebooks and hit a crow.

I wasn't able to see what happened next because we were to high, all I know is that Duncan is safe and that our beloved friends would either be dead, or worse and I have this sickening feeling it's the ladder.

Our good friends are now gone
So sad that we didn't know each other long

Sorry about not posting in a while. I try to post when I can but sometimes I get busy you know? Thank you for reading, make sure to vote, comment, and share!

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