Chapter Three

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     I glared at him and stormed into the apartment. My mom (or as I call her) looked at me surprised. I didn't look at her and I went into the room I've called mine for three years. I flopped onto my bed and groaned. I spread out my wings to let them stretch after hiding them all day. They stretched from one side of the room to the other. They were dark brown and gray kinda like my hair.

         I remembered that smirk he gave my before going into his apartment. Sure he was hot and all no one can deny that but he was so cocky and annoying. I heard a knock on my door and my mom came in. "Hey hon, what's wrong?" She looked at my like I was in pain. "Nothing just our new neighbor is getting on my nerves."
          The doorbell suddenly rang and knowing it was him I groaned. My mom went to open the door and I heard him greet her. I quickly closed my wings just as he walked in. "Why are you here?" I said. I looked at him, he changed out of his school uniform into a shirt with a band on it and some jeans. "Saying hi to my new neighbors if you don't mind." He said grinning. "I do mind actually, and why won't you quit staring at me during class it's irritating." He looked at me smirking.

           I heard the door open I knew that Maya and Kristi were hear they had keys. "Leave, now." I said. He left and then Kristi walked in with a playful grin on her face. Maya came behind her with the exact same look. I stretched my wings again the were the only others who knew they weren't bothered by it anymore.  "Sooooo what were you doing alone in here with him?" Kristi said with and evil grin. I glared at her and threw my pillow into her face I went to quickly change into some shorts and a tank top I was more comfortable that way with the wings and all. I let them rest but kept them open a little. "I wasn't doing anything thank you He came to say hi or some shit he's just annoying." I replied quickly
       I let my self fall into the couch. She was perfect the way she stood up for herself and the way she was so independent. I didn't want her to know that I had a secret and that I was different. She was to perfect with the way she fit in. I groaned because I want to see her longer. I quickly cleared my mind and started dinner. I can only cook for myself which sucks cause there is no one there for me. I realized I needed eggs if I was going to cook so I grabbed my keys and shoes and walked out.

       I came back and I saw her on the terrace. She was beautiful with the sunset  light on her. All the colors mixed into her hair and glinted off her eyes. She sat staring off into the distance thinking about who knows what. I wanted to kiss her so badly that I didn't know what to do I just kept staring at her. Mesmerized by the beauty. I pulled myself away and started up the stairs to the apartment. She didn't notice me at all.

             At school I got there early so I could see her walk in. She came in talking to someone in the hall then hurried over here. She had her hair up in a messy bun that fit her face perfectly. Suddenly this girl hopped on the desk but it wasn't Elle. She instantly started flirting with me. "Hi, I know we haven't met officially but I'm Amelie Hart." She sat there saying while twirling her hair. I didn't know what to do but I instantly didn't like her.
So I want to do the next chapter on only one person vote who you want it to be. It can be anyone who was mentioned. I'm not publishing until Friday and this chapter was late cause I had health problems so yea.

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