Chapter Five

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He kissed me.


      I stood there shocked at the warm feeling and decided not to give in. I couldn't risk my secret. I pushed him away gently.

He looked at me confused. "I'm sorry I don't like you in that way." I quickly went inside to my room. I'll take the trash in the morning. I immediately grabbed my phone and texted Maya and Kristi.

Me-guys Trevor kissed me idk what to do. HELP!!!!!!


Kristi-wait he kissed you did you kiss him back??!!??😏😏

Me-Do you not remember the last boyfriend I had.

Kristi-oh right I forgot hehe

Maya-well how do you feel about him because if he kissed you it's pretty obvious how he feels.

Me-I really like him but.......I rly do t want to get hurt.

Maya-we'll you gotta say something don't make him think you don't want to do anything.


Kristi-uuuuum Elle

Me-Kristi what did you do???!!!???

Maya-this can't be good.

Kristi-ummm I kinda gave him your # he's gonna text you 😅😅

Maya-nvm this just got RLY good😏😏😏

I stared at my phone realizing what she said. I freaked out.

???-hey it's Trevor I wanted to talk about that kiss earlier and why you pushed me away. I know that you like me in some way related to the way I feel. Text me or call me babe😉

I stared at my phone after he texted me. God he's so arrogant but that makes him even more hot.

I woke up to my phone going off for school. I looked at the time and realized I was going to be late. It was a no uniform day. I grabbed my ripped jeans and threw them on with a camo t-shirt and threw on some combat boots. I ran out the door bagel in my mouth and throwing my hair up in a messy bun. I knew my wings were gonna be sore because I didn't stretch them this morning. I ran into the school as I shoved the last bite of my bagel in my mouth.

       I ran to my seat and sat down right as the bell rang. I ignored Trevor not wanting to talk about what happened last night. I still didn't know how I felt about that kiss. I wanted to get closer to him but I didn't want him knowing my secret. He kept looking at me but I ignored him.

       The bell rang and I ran to class so I could talk to Maya and Kristi. They both saw me and ran up to me squealing. "Why are you guys squealing, he just kissed me alright." I glared at them.  They sat there laughing. I joined in and soon we walked into the classroom laughing our asses off. He stared at me and I ignored him still laughing as we sat down at our table. "Today we are learning about different acids so I'm going to partner you up. The paper on the door with be your partner for two weeks during this project."


I sighed thankful I didn't get Trevor but then Kristi opened her big ass mouth. "Um, sir I live no where near Trevor can I switch with Elle she's neighbors with him. I also live nearer to maya." That was a complete lie. "Yeah, whatever fine. Trevor your paired up with Elle and Kristi your with Maya now NO MORE SWITCHES!" The bell rang and I slapped Kristi in the arm "WHY THE HELL DID YOU DO THAT!" She looked at me sheepishly.

I was putting my stuff in my locker and was about to close it when a red manicured hand slammed it shut. Amelie glared at me, "Do so much as touch him and your dead, he's mine and your just a price of trash to go out with someone like him." She looked at me sneering like I was cheap shoes on sale or some shit. "Look it's not me I don't even want to be paired with him so he's all yours slut." I smirked back as she looked at me pissed and walked away.
       As I walked home I was thinking so hard I didn't notice him until he was right beside me. I see his all usual smirk on his face. "So love what's the plan for the project?" I just look at him lost in his green eyes. " let's meet at my place soon and we can talk." I mumbled. He smirked again with a playful glint in his eye. I turned forward ignoring him and at the same time he slapped my ass then ran forward. "WHAT THE HELL!" I yelled pissed off. "NEMO WOULD BE PROUD!" He yelled back then ran again. I fought the urge to let my wings go and chase after him so I just yelled at him.

       We reached the apartment and he said he would be over in an hour. I saw the opportunity and ran inside and changed real quick into jeans and a loose shirt with a gaping back. I grabbed my motorcycles keys. I didn't ride it often cause the school wasn't that far.

      After driving out of the city limits I threw the keys into my pocket and let my wings stretch. They were sore as hell  and I just opened and closed them for a min. I started running and opened my wings and soared. I wanted to get rid of the confusing thoughts in my head about Trevor. I had for Trevor but I couldn't help it. He always had that playful charm around him that was contagious. I flew for a little while longer then dived to the ground knowing I had to hurry.

     I ran inside the apartment to change my top to hide my wings. I didn't like hiding them, I wanted to show them to the world but I knew that if I did that the bad men would come and take me away. I shut my door not realizing it didn't latch. I threw off my shirt and folded my wings carefully. I grabbed a shirt and turned around and saw movement. "WHAT THE FUCK!" I yelled he quickly slammed the door. I panicked and threw on my t-shirt and flung the door open very pissed. "How much did u see?" I asked quietly. He  smirked. "I opened it right as you turned around I saw your bra. Cute by the way." I glared at him but let out a breath I was holding. I realized I was wearing my Puppy one Kristi got me as a joke for my 17 birthday. "You didn't see anything else?" I questioned again. He looked confused. "Never mind, let's just get this over with." I stalked back in my room not even caring if he was following.

         I followed her into her room. I didn't know what to say because I could tell she was pissed. How the hell was I supposed to know that she was getting dressed her door was open.

         We sat down on her small bed and pulled out the project paper. "We have to find 5 acid that we use in our every day life. And the rest are just random shit we gotta answer."

      A few hours later we finished all our homework. She finished before me because she had a lot less but she let me stay. I kept getting distracted by her lounging and looking hot as hell. She not usually my type but then again what is. When I started putting my stuff away she looked up. "You done?" She asked starting to get up. "Yea I figured it's time to go home." She started biting her lip nervously and I seriously wish  I could kiss them. All of the sudden my thoughts were interrupted my a loud banging on the door. I heard her mom answer and greet them and a gruff voice answered asking her if she had seen this girl. I looked at Elle and she was impossibly pale. She suddenly ran and grabbed her duffel bag and threw all her clothes in there along with her toiletries. "What the hell is going on what wrong Elle?!" I questioned worried as fuck. She didn't answer and grabbed my hand and pulled me out onto the fire escape. "You gotta trust me and not freak out they are after me because I escaped them 3 years ago." She looked at me fear written all across her face. I didn't understand but I nodded.

We stopped by my apartment after the guy left and I grabbed a duffel and shoved a ton of clothes in. We ran down the stairs all the way to our motorcycles. I hopped on mine and grabbed my keys out of my pocket. I expected her to get on behind me but when I looked over she was getting on a different one and pulling on a helmet. "Elle what the fuck is going on why are we running?" She didn't answer and we sped off out of town.

Hey guys sorry I took forever I had shit going on and writers block and that's REALLY not a good combo.

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