Chapter 2//New school?//3 weeks later

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Alex's POV

Tomorrow I am starting at the school that Laf goes to. He has told me all about the school and his friends and says that he thinks that I will fit in well. I did notice one thing though, he went into lots of detail about a guy called John Laurens. Maybe Laf likes him. Well that would make sense since he described every last detail about his looks including his specific eye colour. He sounds so great. I'm starting to think that I'll fall in love with him the second I lay eyes on him!

Anyway that won't happen. I'm super straight... HA nope, I'm actually about as straight as a rainbow. Right now I can't get into a relationship, I need to work as hard as I can to make a name for myself. I don't want to be forgotten, I need someone to tell my story.

Laf as much as I love talking to you I need to study to catch up with everyone at your school. LIve missed half a year already, I'm so behind.

"Come on mon amie, you are the smartest person I know. You have an IQ of like, 4.0."

Sorry I'm just worried that I'll be behind everyone and an outcast like I was in the Caribbean. I want my life here to be different, okay?

"Your life is already different, you have me and the Washingtons." Said a smirking Laf "Oh, and I wouldn't worry too much about people not liking you, mon frère. I know some one who can't wait to meet you."

I shot him a confused look and he just shrugged, still smirking. I looked at the clock and it said 11:00. Already?! I still have so much left to do!

"No more studying for no reason. Go to sleep, Alexander, that's an order from your brother. Everything will be fine!" I shook my head and the next thing I knew, I was being picked up and literally,being thrown into my bed. I sat there glaring, if looks truly could kill then Laffayete would be a steaming blob on the floor of my room."Goodnight!" laughed Laf. After he left, just because I'm stubborn, I got up and studied some more.

----Time skip bought to you by the fact that I'm lazy af!----

I was woken up by the lovely Martha Washingon next door in Laffayete's room banging two pans together and screaming at Laf "Get your lazy ass out of bed!". I heard Laf groan and let out a few curses in French. Then I heard Martha's foot steps echoing through the halls, heading this way. With her pans.

I immediately jumped up from my desk, where I'd fallen asleep on top of all of my work, and frantically began to make my bed and look in my wardrobe. Anything to look productive and awake.

"Oh good, you're awake," said Martha lowering her pans "One of Lafffayete's friends will pick you guys up in around 15 minutes. Have fun at school Alex." She waved then left my room and went to say bye to Laf and then left the house.

I went down to the kitchen for my first of many coffees that day. Around 10 minutes later Laf walked in. He reached into a cupboard and pulled out two pop tarts. He then proceeded to throw one of them at my head, I guess his aim was off since it was like, 8:30. So yeah, I got hit in the head with a pop tart. Fun right?!

5 minutes later we were met outside the house by a man who, unlike Laf, had short hair and wore a bandana. Laf waved and smiled but the smile didn't reach his eyes. Weird, he is usually always so happy.

Hey, how are you doing Herc? This is Alexander Hamilton, Alex this is Hercule-" Laf was cut off by the other man screaming "MY NAME IS HERCULES MULLIGAN, I NEED NO INTRODUCTION.". I started laughing at Hercules.

"Don't worry Alex, he does this every time someone tries to introduce him to someone, just ignore him. He's a strange child." said Laf whilst laughing and rolling his eyes. (That is actually something me and my friends call each other because we are weird people.)

----Time skip 'cos I can----

When we pulled up at the school, the minute that we got out of the car, another boy ran up to us. He had puffy brown hair that was up in a pony tail and eyes that were bluey-green with flecks of brown. Laf's description did not do the man justice, assuming that this is John. He was absolutely gorgeous!

"Hey gu-"began Mr no-name-kid. Until he saw me. It was like time was standing still, we were just staring into each others eyes. There was only him and me, no problems and no one but us existed in those moments. Unfortunately, it couldn't last...

"Guys you literally just met. you don't even know each others names!" said Herc. Laf was in hysterics. Seriously, he was literally rolling about on the floor.

"Ohhh... right... I am John Laurens" John was blushing really hard and it made him look even cuter than before, wait what? I was so surprised at my brain that I began to use ASL (that stands for American Sign Language by the way)

Hey John, I am Alexander Hamilton. There's a million things that I haven't done, but just you wait! I should have mentioned that you can call me Alex but you probably already know that from Laf. I'm rambling aren't I, I do this when I' m nervous, I'm so sorry! Wait, how do you ramble in ASL, that doesn't make any sense?! Damn, am I doing it again? I'm sorry, I've never had a group of friends before but I promise that I'll make y'all proud!

then I realised that, most likely, none of them understand ASL. Damn it Alex, why are you so dumb? I began to reach into my pocket for my pen and paper but someone stops me.


Johns Laurens has his hand on my shoulder

I am fan girling over John Laurens.

To my surprise he began to sign back to me, he said

Alex, you don't need to write for me to understand if you don't want to. I can evidently understand ASL too. Them dumb asses over there are uncultured and don't as you can probably tell from from their confused faces. I have a few other friends who will understand this to. Also... y'all? I'm from South Carolina and I have never said that in my life!

After John had finished I noticed Laf and Herc staring over at the front doors of the school. There was shouts coming from over there. We began to walk over there.

I 'm sorry about the ending , it is literally the worst. Also I'd just like to say that Alex is mute. That is why he writes and uses ASL.

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