chapter 2

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Taeyeon braced herself for any of the boys' sudden attacks but she noticed that the six Caucasians were hesitant; they were glancing back and forth between the wild girl and herself. Taeyeon seized her chance and sprinted off toward the other direction, flunging away her cola can as she did so to distract the boys.

The boys seemed to regain their composure and ran after her, shouting and yelling for her to stop. Taeyeon kept running without turning to look and turned a sudden, sharp corner toward the Mediterranean-style cafeteria where there might be chefs and waiters to help her, she thought.

When she turned another corner, however, she saw Nichkhun emerging from the opposite direction and cursed silently. I can't enter the cafeteria without him blocking me, then I'll be dead meat, she thought.

She risked a backward glance and saw that the boys were coming up close, still yelling and shouting loudly. Where are the teachers, she thought desperately. She turned right back toward the lockers section, and bumped right into someone.

Slowly, Taeyeon looked up, knowing she was busted. She could hear the boys panting behind her. So they caught up, she thought. The person she'd bumped into was a boy, maybe a few years younger than her. He hair was dark brown and messy and he wore stylish clothing. He had an innocent baby-faced, but right now his face was set deep in confusion and surprise.

The six boys, along with Nichkhun, has surrounded Taeyeon and the innocent-looking young boy. Taeyeon  muttered an apology to the boy and saw, in the corner of her eyes, that the girl, Nichkhun's girlfriend, was strolling toward her, holding the can Taeyeon threw before she sprinted off.

The boys made way for the girl to pass, and she stopped infront of Taeyeon and the confused boy. She held up the can to Taeyeon. "Why did you throw this?" Her voice was cold and hard.

Taeyeon took an deep breath and said, "Why do you care?"

The girl's face was twisted in a dark, fierce look. Two of the Caucasians sneered and Nichkhun came forward, smiling like he didn't have a care in the world.

The boy whom Taeyeon had bumped into stared at the her. "What's this?"

Taeyeon glanced at him and shrugged. "These people wanted me dead, that's all."

The boy's eyes widened as the happenings seemed to dawn on him. He turned toward the wild girl and said, "If you killed her, I'll be her witness and you'll die too. If you kill her, you'll have to kill me. But that's not an easy thing to do." He sounded so casual, like he was having a conversation with his best friends.

Nichkhun reached out to grab the boy's collar. "You," he spat. "Leave this, oryou are going to replace her death."

The girl stood beside Nichkhun, watching silently. Taeyeon thought there was something scary about her calm look.

The boy shook off Nichkhun's hands. "Don't touch me. I know who you are, Nichkhun Buck Horvejkul."

Nichkhun looked a bit surprised to hear his full name, but he grinned. "I didn't even know I'm that popular." He then gestured for his six boys to leave and turned back toward the young boy. "Though, I can't say you're not popular. I know you  too, Byun Baekhyun, vocal nerd."

Taeyeon gasped, surprised. "You're... Baekhyun?" She couldn't believe it.

Baekhyun looked at her and smiled. "Do you know me too?"

"You're the vocal king here," Taeyeon whispered. "Everyone knows you."

Nichkhun smirked. "There's no time for flirting, midget. You're going to have to pay for biting me."

"Did you bit him?" Baekhyun asked, sounding amused.

The girl was still silent, and Baekhyun suddenly caught sight of her. "Oh. Tiffany Hwang is here too?"

Tiffany Hwang.

Taeyeon stared at her. Hwang? Is she Korean? Questions filled her mind as she continued to stare at the girl. Tiffany. Such a beautiful, elegant name. Right now, staring at her, Taeyeon thought she was beautiful. With her brown curls, long eyelashes, full lips and confidence, Taeyeon thought she was really, really beautiful.

Nichkhun narrowed his eyes. "Don't you dare call my girl by her name, nerd ass."

Baekhyun rolled his eyes and took Taeyeon's hands. "Let's go," he said gently, looking at her.

Tiffany strode toward him and grabbed Taeyeon's hands. "You go," she said quietly. "Leave her here."

Baekhyun sighed. "If you let me go alone, I'll see the principal right away. If you allow me to leave with her, I'll let this go for once. Deal?"

Taeyeon looked baffled. This guy was helping her, even if he could go unharmed. She felt a rush of gratitude and flung her hands away from Tiffany's grips. She took hold of Baekhyun's hands and went off with him. Both Nichkhun and Tiffany did not follow but after a few paces, Tiffany was whispering in her ears.

"Tonight. Nobody will be there to protect you, not even him. I'll deal with you tonight."

Taeyeon heard her, but pretended she haven't. She walked out of the horrendous college building, into the fresh, clear outdoors with blue cloudy skies and birds chirping in the distance, with Baekhyun's hand still holding hers.

Hello readers :) I'm sorry for the short chapter. I think this is a rather bad chapter, but it is part of the story. I can't jump into the interesting part straightaway, as it will be sure to ruin the plot, so I'll have to build a base to the story first :) As for the kind comments below, I'm really grateful. This is my first ever written story, so I'm really glad for any kind of comments. I'd also be looking forward to hearing your critics, as your judgements and corrections will help me improve ^^ Also, please let me know who you want TaeNy to end up with. TaeNy together, or BaekYeon/ KhunFany? Do let me know! :) 

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