You're Welcome

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You ran back to your room, Simon grabbed your guns and you went in to Cam's room to tell him to stay there and not come out until he knew it was you knocking, he looked scared,

"What if you don't come back?" he asked, starting to hyperventilate,

"Cameron baby I will come back" you sighed hugging him tight, you placed your hands on his cheeks "I promise, just sit tight" and kissed his forehead. You shut his door and took your rifle and hand gun from Simon. You could hear screams from downstairs where walkers must have gotten in. Heather was heading in the same direction and you met on the stairwell, you quickly told her what had  happened, she nodded an understanding and the three of you made your way downstairs.

You killed as many walkers as you could, but there was just too many, you could hear people dying all around you and were scared. You felt Simon pull you back towards the door to the stairwell. 

"Baby there's too many" he yelled as he pushed you and Heather through the door. He told you and Heather to hold the door while he began kicking the metal hand rail at the side of the stairs, it was weak enough that eventually one of the bars came loose and he used it to bend around the door handles, keeping it shut and the dead out. 

"Simon what do we do?" you asked feeling defeated.

"We need to try and get contact with an outpost" he sighed "They might be able to come and draw the herd away somehow" His plan was good, the three of you retrieved your radios and began calling for help on every frequency. Still thinking about Negan being out there with them all. 

You and the rest of the Saviours gathered in Negan's office, it was at the back of the building so his windows were still intact. You were pacing while the others tried desperately to come up with a way to get you all out of this mess. It was driving you insane waiting around, you had to do something. You pulled Simon to one side,

"I can't just stand here Simon I need to do something" you hissed,

"Like what?" he snapped "We're surrounded sweetheart we can't get out"

"But he's out there on his own" you replied, His face changed to frown,

"You're still worried about him" he scoffed,

"Aren't you?" you asked, knowing what he was suggesting "Do not make this out to be something its not Simon! He's our friend we can't just leave him"

"There's nothing else we can do!!" he yelled and everyone turned to stare.

"Fine" you shouted back and stormed off, he was right, there was nothing 'we' could do, but you could. You remembered Heather telling you about a run she went on a while ago when they were surrounded by walkers, her and Dwight had cut on open, covered themselves in its guts to disguise their smell, and walked right through them, undetected. But first you needed to know where he was. 

You returned to the meeting room and stood on the balcony, scanning the masses of heads for Negan. You couldn't see him, but that was a good sign, if he was out there with them, he was in trouble. You called his name,

"Negan!!" you yelled "Negan where are you?!" You listened and heard nothing, you carried on shouting and just when you were ready to give up, you heard banging to your right, You squinted, and amongst the moving bodies, you saw a small metal cabin, the banging was coming from there. He was safe. 

"Hang tight Negan" you yelled "I'll come for you" there was another bang in response. It would have been easier if you could tell him what to do, that way you wouldn't have to risk your own life, but there was no way you could relay such instructions by shouting.

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