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|Second Day|

Youngjae woke up with something poking his cheek.

He opened his eye and saw Daehyun who was now dressed and he was drying his hair.

"Where do you want to go today?" Daehyun asked

"Uhm... Can you... Can you bring me to the hospital today?" Youngjae asked

"Are you sick?"

"N-no. I'll just visit someone. I know you're also busy for today so... yeah."

"You booked me for a week so its okay." Daehyun said and wore his watch.

Youngjae took a shower and changed into his boxers. Plain black V neck shirt and black shorts.

"Lets go downstairs."

They both went downstairs and had breakfast.

"Did you two sleep well?"


After eating breakfast they bid goodbye to Granny and the kids.

"What hospital?"

"The hospital near your restaurant in busan." Youngjae said and Daehyun nodded.

"Youngjae. You dont want to go home for a week?" Daehyun asked

"Yeah... I would like to accomplish somethings first." Youngjae said

"What are they?"



It took them hours to reach Busan.

"Lets eat first." They entered the restaurant that Daehyun's family owns and they ordered something to eat.

"Happy eating Sir Daehyun."

Daehyun just nodded.

"Your hands are trembling. Are you okay?" Daehyun asked

"Just... nervous."

"Here. eat your lunch first." Daehyun said

Youngjae nodded and tried to hold the chopstick but it slipped out of his hand.


"Youngjae? Is there something wrong?" Daehyun asked with worry.

Even though he was just blackmailed by this cutie over here, he still cares for the boy.

"You cant seem to hold things properly..." Daehyun said with a sigh.

"It was just slippery!" Youngjae defended himself.

"Whatever." Daehyun didnt believed the younger because he already saw this. Youngjae was struggling to hold something since the first day they were together.

In the end, Daehyun fed Youngjae because the cutie was really struggling.

"Who are you visiting?" Daehyun asked and Youngjae took a deep breath.

"Dr Zhang."

"Oh. You mean the best Neuro-surgeon here?" Daehyun asked as he parked the car.

They went outside the car and entered the hospital.

Youngjae yelped when his legs gave in and he fell on the floor.

Daehyun rushed to his side with wide eyes.


"D-Daehyun?" Youngjae called out.

Daehyun carried him bridal style and ignored the looks of the other nurses, doctors and patients.

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